Sunday, April 2, 2017

The dance squad

Well, breaking news i now have my own dance team and we are gonna sweep the nations and be famous. just all of you be aware of that. It consists of about 20 taiwanese children below the age of 12. And will be reknown due to its level of perfection. And adorableness. Just so you know.

But in real news this week has been crazy dope! after we had our dope hike last p-day we had an awesome week. all of thursday was spent in meetings and i had to switch companions i was with 3 times. between mine, to zone leader to another district's district leader, and back to the zone leader, and finally back to mine. I was tired by the end of that day. But We hasd exchanges with the zone leaders this week, and it was so fun! It's really easy to do since we live in the same apartment anyway. THEN on wednesday we went to visit this cool little kid that is the unbaptized son of an LA. She called us and asked to come share the lessons with him. She lives a 40 free way trip away from the chapel. She only has a moped right now, and her husbnd is 24/7 on call fire man. Its gonna be hard to help them be active.... But our bishop drove us there to meet him. By the end of the lesson he literally asked us, "when can i get baptized?"n yeah he is sick. hopefully we can do the same to the dad!

But the biggest thing this week is on friday we had a huge primary activity to help introduce a ton of english students from the 清潭國小 the Qing Tan elementry school, into our church. We had a chapel tour which we turned into a "treasure hunt" and we had them make st patties day stuff. (its march it counts) then we ad them dance with us for 20 minutes, and man you wouldn't believe how sweaty you can get in an AC'd chapel, when you have 20 kids dancing and like 15 adults dancing with us. We had them do "irish jig dancing" we turned on jig music, and just had them do a ton of random stuff🐒🐒🐒a little dosy doe, and a little knee popping and some spinning. it was crazy fun. Our members think we are the most amazing missionaries it awesome😋😋 the next day the bishops family invited us to eat with them, and some of their none member family members. Elder Gibson made 黃姊妹 Sister Huang cry, because of his testimony. Hopefully we can help out her family members. 

We have also started working with an LA member, who more or less only knows 1 or 2 commandments of the church, and still refers to us as the mormons. He was baptized more than 15v years ago. And who ever baptized him probably did not ever even share the story of joseph smith. He asked us if we were the mormon missionaries when we first met him, because he didn't know for sure.... But he is sick, he has started reading the book of mormon. And he drove us up a mountain purely to meet with him. he is sick.

Love you guys, I'd like to just bear testimony of the changing power of this church especially daily prayer and scripture study. When we found that LA member, he was a grumpy about to retire but open man, since the beginning of last week, he started reading the Book of Mormon when we visited him yesterday, he gave us a huge smile, and he had a different feel around him, and he just was consistently happy. Please let this truth chnage your life, and bring happiness!

Elder Conover

aside from year mark this week, it was Elder Andersons bday so we bought a 40 pound watermelon. The 4 of us are STILL eating it. and even better is it comes out to about $10american #taiwan

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