Sunday, April 30, 2017

Divebombing cockroach

Once upon I time, we came back home, after a long, warm day and loosened the tie, and threw down the bag. Then I started the AC and cooled off for about 3 seconds and picked up the phone, then i realized i wanted the bedroom to be cool as well, so i walk over and open the door grab the AC remote and start that puppy up! And i hear this sound like a dog scratching on the door. So i was about to turn it off, and then go check out the problem. And then all of the sudden i see a large reddish brown thing drop out of it. Right on top of my bed.... Obviously i knew what it is, so yelled to Elder Gibson to grab some stuff, while i glued my eyes to it. Eventually we grabbed my sword for obvious reasons, ain't no body wanna touch that nasty sucker, they are fast and they can squeeze out of anything. So we flicked it off my bed to the ground and in the end, long story short... several extra sheets flung everywhere, a mattress flipped, and a box-spring on its side. We had it trapped. AND AGAIN OBVIOUSLY he had to die to like a real monster he is. So after a few stabs threw the gut Elder Gibson thought he was dead, so we went to grab it and it ran away. So he caught it and threw it in the toilet, The final tally was about an inch and a half(or more) long and about 3/4 of an inch thick. Needless to say i turn on the AC and watch closely now a days.

And that was pretty much my week, love you guys -Elder Conover

Psych we had a really fun week! and we actually just had an LA take us to 宜蘭 YiLan for the day, we just got back, and then we will head over to play frisbee:) But we had temple day and that was super nice!!!! and we also had another trampoline day that was nice! I have still been trying the 300 workout! My body is tired. And we had another little kid english class activity! and everyone loved it agaijn!

the work has been great we have been working hard and seeing success we are looking good for May baptisms. And this is my last time to email with Elder Gibson my poor baby child. have fun

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