Monday, May 8, 2017

surprisian (surprise-asian)

Well i will start with this, My baby is a big boy now, and 本地人 #2 is now my compnaion! i could not be more excited! I frreaking love taiwan poeple! So my new companion his name is Elder Lin (林長老) And he is almost 26 years old. he has been on the mission for about 7 months. And he is a cutie. And let me tell you there is nothing like going from training, where all things involving chinese rely on you, to have a native companion who uses way better chinese than you!😂😂 Serious;y the first day we went out to contact people and i felt so dumb trying to keep up in the conversation. The worst is they love to use idioms, which is a small phrase with a story behind it and an over all meaning. Those will get you. But it is a ton of fun still!

So we sent Elder Wadsworth and Elder Gibson off for their new areas. Got my new companion. The poor guy his first day here had to help me teach 20 children english. Man that was crazy! He was like holy cow! this is insane and i was like yeah i know! isn't it fun! Luckily his english is pretty good! We have been out contacting people for m,ost of our week. However we did meet with the 魏wei family. They are pretty freaking awesome! we are working on helping the husband realize that it is time to get baptized! because they are long time ago investigators. The wife is totally down, the husband is a little more slow coming. But he is opening up, I think he is starting to feel that it is time. But he is still a little scared because they've heard it all before so they are trying to take it all together and at the same time. But we just remind them one step at a time. No problem.

Alright this part is so dope! FENGLIN HAD IT'S FIRST BAPTISM!!!!!!!鳳林!!!!我愛你 an old friend Zhu baba got baptized!!! it was so awesome! president let us skype in! and he was like hey guys! (because me and Elder cheney had taught him together and we skyped him together) I'm getting baptized! and he brought his wife and his mom and atleast one of his kids!!! i am so darn excited for them!!! Everything is a good day when things like that happen! Zhu baba is literally such a bomb! he is liie 70 something years old, and the first time we met him, he literally after seeing a small tract and us telling him about our church was just like "wow this stuff is awesome, why dont other churches have this" and from there it grew to "buddhism doesn't make sense you can't make a person into a god, god was before people" man he was literally the best guy ever! love him!

I have wrote enough that was my week it was dope, i am happy fenglin is a great place that is all:) love you mom, dad, and all siblings. EVERYONE do not forget Mother's day! its the best day to serve mama bear! And who doesn't want to show love for their mama!!!

Hey MOM guess what, you're the best i love you and you know that no matter what language i speak i'll never be able to say enough in words to explain it! thanks for everything! You're the best!

-Elder Conover孔長老

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