Monday, May 29, 2017


well pretty much it is pretty obvious that my favorite part of the week this week was simply that our ward had 2 baptisms this week! one a nice grandma i found back with elder gibson, she is so awesome! pretty much her only problem was coffee she is seriously so dope!! and the other was ying cheng en應承恩 he has been around for a lomng time and a few timers he has come in and out because of work and things like that but he was ready and the time was here! I nearly died he showed up about 7 minutes late, and our ward was really trying to get things moving and i was just like pacing a road into the ground man. But everything went smooth and he is sick!

i'll also be very honest i really am just not feeling like writing that much this week so i love you guys, this week we had the ward activity with like 18 nonmembers come. the kids loved it, we played games, im feeling really happy and im feeling really like just going and punching a wall until the wall itself gets baptized, (thats a good thing) life is good my friends

the gospel is true, baptism is the first step to a long and happy life

shout out to my sister who will be married soon, thanks for the patience i hope something embarrassing happens at your wedding not bad just emabrrassing. just playing i love you tons 

i love my whole family

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