Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yeah… That just happened

So this was pretty fun week, the email head has a couple of meanings. A- biggest miracle ever!!!! so we sat down with this super cool investigator, and were like alright we gotta review like 6 commandments with you, and your date is for this week.... oh boy, and we sit down and with in 5 minutes he was like my date is this week what do i need to do to get baptized. We start sharing commandments and he is just like i know all of these and explains them all to us. So instead we finish the 5th lesson on temples and eternities and stuff, and set his interview. Shows up to his interview and blew through it in like 30 mins or less. He is dope! not only that we moved his baptism back a week to give a little time to prepare. And he is just like no problem when are we meeting to discuss all the logistics? Yeah, we are pumped about this weekend. Also a grandma that i knocked into with my baby is getting baptized this week. Because us elders can only teach men and families and the vice versa for sisters she has been taught by the sisters. So double baptism for our ward this week! and both are totally dope people:)

secondly i'm 20 we ate a muffin and threw water balloons at me on  the roof, and we did the mission it was a good day. Now i am officially old. That is my last birthday on the mission. And i am no longer a "teenager" now i am an adult. so now everyone calls me old. well guess what my companions has already graduated college get off of my back. nah im just playing how ever it was awesome we foound really expensive imported blueberry muffin mix, and made a muffin cake in the rice cooker, and we threw water balloons at showering elders the next couple days it was fun, and usually really, wet all over our floor, luckily its tile:) don't worry dad and mom i learned that much:)

It has been a fun week We had 5 general authorities come to the mission and give us some dope instruction! and they praised us and ouor mission and then encouraged us to go a do. It was lit3erally so dope! they are awesome! we had bishop waddell, he is darn tall!!! and elder cook who was really funny! and lastly we had a few other of the 70 like elder mers and funk and soares. It was an amazing chance to do what we do! I saw everyone because our whole mission got together! so i saw my little child he is such a cutie! and i saw elder facer and zhuang and my hualian friend elder gwilliam and hamilton everyone:) it was good!!

that was our week! love you guys!

I should just tell you this the power behind an apastolic testimony is insane, and when they talk to us missionaries they sometimes go a little different then i have ever heard. Because they all love the work!!! The simple power behind the words and faith he had, and used, was amazing the church is true my friends believe

Elder Conover孔長老

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