Sunday, May 14, 2017

I'll be Straight

This week was great but i am about to skype the family, so... ya know this is gonna be a pretty lame email! So my companion is great! our whole week was spent with freaking joy and fun and finding and teaching and baptism preparation!

We have a great investigator that is on track for this week or next weeks baptism. I just helped a nice grandma that i found a taught a little bit then handed to the sisters do her baptismal interview! She has changed a lot since march!! I am so excited for her to get baptized!

Our LA homie is doing great he has not missed church in 4 weeks and mets with us 2 times a week, and sometimes just calls us to hangout! He is so legit! He has been really feeling the gospel if he weren't already baptized we would have baptized him a long time ago!

We found a huge spider in our apartment the size of my palm, and so we videod it being murdered by a broom and a taiwanese guy. Then we have also had large cockroaches about the length of my pointer finder and 11/2 of my thumbs wide. we murder them as well, because they are yucky and do bad things to sleeping elders. One time i woke up in the middle of the night and felt something crawling on me, so i popped off my pillow freaking out. After shaking everything out and finding nothing i was like you're just going insane Elder Conover it was nothing. Then Elder Clegg popped off his pillow and did the exact same thing. nope no thanks whatever it was i hope it fell into a lake of fire i want to sleep peacefully thank you. 

We had our LA and best investigator come to church! It was awesome. we will be teaching said people this week again. I want to skype so peace out guys

Love you, Love Heavenly Father, Love Jesus Christ, Love the mission

-Elder Conover

i got some wierd bite that hurt really bad, and swole up really big then we did operation with two elders holding me down and one had tweasers thats all you need to know

Nasty infected bite!

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