Monday, June 5, 2017

Rainy season

Well it has been dumping rain everyday thisis literally the first time i have seen the rain in several days, soometimes we wake up as dark as we went to sleep... They told us it will be like this the entire month with few break days. We are suppose to get some more tonight.:) You know what we have been doing, we have been getting wet:) how fun is that? there has been some dope floods happening, in our area it is too bad, but the places with nearby river and stuff there has been work days called off due to the severity, it has been pretty dope, and even though it is that wet, we still sweatto death in our rain coats! so pretty much we livein taiwan:) 

I would like to share my testimony of the power of this gospel, because i feel i have not been as active at that lately over email, i have seen people sacrifice sleep, money, time, work, friends, and pretty much anything you can thinkof just to be a part of this church, i have done the exact same, i have sacrifcied much, i know that we all have, and that we all could continue to sacrifice much. I am eteranlly grateful for the blessings of faith, hope, confidence and perspective this chrcuh has given me since i was young. I am eternally grateful for my family and the examples and blessings they have been to me, i am forever grateful for everything i have learned from them and with them. I firmly believe that everyone i meet i learn from, and am influenced by them. I love so very much the ability god has vlessed me with to serve and to go and do for him. I will never forget this expierence of those that have helped me on my way. every family member friend companion rc, member and random person imeet. I will do my best to always show my love and gratitude foryou. and am willing to do what ever to help you.

this week has been great, we have done much, and will continue to do:) i honestly have been super bad about writing in my journal lately so i can't remember too much, i will catch up this week and repent and change, 

Love you guys!!


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