Monday, June 12, 2017

Summer inbound

alright well summer has arrived as a result whether or not you are moving or standing, or in shade or sun, you sweat to freaking death, now is the time where you could stand outside and not do a single thing and feel good because you lost weight through sweating, and you turn the AC onto like 17 degrees but it really only gets to like 23. Man i am freaking pumped!!!!!!!!!

Also part two of this email, I FOUND A SWORD SHOP its like 2 minutes from our house and they have some of the dopest things you could ever find, including a super dope full handel and bladed sword. As well as a remake elven blade from lord of the rings. and they also sell rubber kniives.... just saying, its dope.

So this week we had some crazy miracles go down! #1 we are walking around on the streets and we find a place to sit and to do some studies outside in a park. And backround a few days before we saw this dude with 2 huge dogs walking around and elder Lin wanted to talk to him, b ut we had to get going. so we sit down and barely get started the guy walks by, and Elder Lin says' i have to ttalk to that guy, should we do it? and im shoving stuff in my bag and saying yeah what are you waiting for!" We talk to him and turns out, he is an old investigator (rich or 張瑞麟 zhang rui ling) from beitou (my first area) and he had been reffered over to us, but never answered the phone. Well we set up with him for the next day!!!!!#2 that same night we were walking around talk ing to people and we got a call from a possible investigator we met a long time ago and they had never had time to meet, well she set up with us that night, we go and meet with her, and after ther lesson, she told us that my dope companion during the prayer and the lesson said everything she needed help with. So she was very interested to meet with us again.

I have been reading in Alma of late, the war chapters. I personally wuite enjoy them and learn much especially from moroni and pahoran. In chapters 60-62 moroni sends an epistle(A LETTER)  pahoran because of the neglect(lack of care) shown to him and the armies, and also helaman and his armies. and moroni more or less roats pahoran and tells him to "be up and doing" or he "will come speedily unto him" and that means he is gonna wreck anyone that says against freedom. Well after getting a pretty straight forward epislte(LETTER) FROM moroni, pahoran humbly accpets the correction, and informs him of the problems that happened(he got chased away by an overthrow and some people took control of the city) he accpeted it and actually rejoiced in it, because it showed the heart of moroni, and gave him some needed direction. 
Elder Christopherson(?) taught us that we should humbly accept and even seek the corrections of the Lord, and that we should rejoice in them, for "whosoever the Lord loveth he correcteth" i have had a great cahnce lately to do so, i have been working the past nearly 30 days to take any thought behavior and missed opportunity and getting rid of it by repentence and by changing, and i have felt the promise of Ether 12:27 come true as i come closer to god i feel weaker and weaker, but i have felt his strength in supporting me. I would like to tell you all he is real and is living and watching us. He has great hopes and plans for us all. Seek him, and ask his help in becoming who you can! 

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