Sunday, June 25, 2017


Alright i have had an insane week! I would like to begin by saying God is good and when we do what he asks and work our hardest things work out. We were having a few struggles trying to get people to set up this week, and we went into Sunday with no people set up to meet, and only 1 new person set as a new investigator, but We began our nights sleep on Saturday with a comp prayer to make the goal of the mission. We prayed again that morning and then did everything we could to make it.Well we got a call that morning at like 11am that there was a random dude at the other ward, and he lives in our area. We needed to come now and bring  BOM. We show up and it is this dope dude named charley許, not only that we also saw a mom we contacted that week twice at church there! Then when it came time for our church we had a former guy come to church a guy ironcially Elder Facer taught named Dino. We ended the day hitting our goal.

This week has been fun we have had exchanges and meetings to attend this week so we have not had the most time in our area, and it has been sunny with no clouds lately. So it has been quite the week for sweating! Especially when saturday came, It actually happened to be a really fun day! so we had 4 people stand us up, so we went over across the river to 樹林shulin. And spent a whole afternoon rolling aroudnt he area contacting the streets! We named one part of it Godricks Hollow, cuz the whole part just doesn't feel right, and just strange, and so when we want to go there we just know it as Godrick's Hollow. But it was actually a really good day especially for being outside in the least useful time. 

But after that we ate with Daniel 賴 and his girlfriend. Daniel is a struggling member about 18 or 19. he is super cool ,and had a lot of questions to ask us. which was really awesome his girlfriend wasn't too interested but she has met missionaries before. But we helped him solve a lot of problems he was struggling with. He is super dope guy, just needs some encouragement. 

Other than that it has been a ton of fun with Elder Puzey, he is a great guy, and is working hard, andkilling it! Love this place.

Elder Conover

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