Wednesday, July 5, 2017


定嘉(dingjia) is baptized!!!!! I had the amazing privilege this saturday of returning to my old chapel(新店碧潭) and assisting in my good friend ding jia being baptized. He is the best guy ever. When i returned everyone was happy as can be! So let me introduce定嘉(dingjia) he is a 9year old kid, who is curious and incredibly caring. He has a very small little brother, and his mom 維平(weiping) was struggling for a long time to come to church. Well our awesome ward start to help her, and then she asked us to help her son. He quickly became one of my good friends. He is also one of the best people i've taught, because he listened and learned everytime! Not only that he had a desire to learn more about our church!

Part two about baptism this week, it is my first RC in taiwan's year mark on the 7/2. And i had the great chance to see her last night at the fireside for taipei! She is so awesome! and is doing great happy anniversery 程月份Joyce!週年快樂!!!!!! We talked a little bit, she is still woing well!!!

This week has been a ton of fun, we have gone on two exchanges one with the 新埔 elders, Elder Jorgensen was my companion for a short time, he is a champion youngish missionary and a great heart and desire to work. He and I had a lot of fun together simply because we got up and did. We also had exchanges with 三峽 elders; Which i had Elder Cooper in the mix for a day! he is such an awesome guy! And that was a really fun time too! because we came back from the amazing zone conference, and felt reaqdy to ruuuuuumble, and we did. We parked the bikes and walked to a lesson a little ways away, and along the way just talked with everyone, it was a very successful night, we even ran into a guy waiting for his friend who offered to take us back to his house and teach him a lesson right there. unfortunately we were headed to a lesson and were unable to and then he simply said well i guess fate will give us another chance so he didn't give a phone number... But 2 minutes later we ran into the guy's friend! It was pretty funny! We directed him to his friend, and he was grateful, but also didn't give us a shot.

Last week we had a great P-day hiking a super crazy fun hike, and nearly dying, so we biked an hour through the cloudless sky in the summer, get to this hike, which My companion has jiked 2 times and never could finish, so we set the goal to finish it. Well at the top of the hike, we hadn't eaten much, drank all the water, and we shot. So we ran the roughly 45-1hr down a quicker less fun path, and laid at an 阿媽shop for about 20 minutes sipping on a supao before a nice hour ride home. We decided that was the most we ever had sweat. Our basketball shorts, were dripping sweat, they were past saturation dude, it was dope, and we felt good all week

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