Wednesday, July 19, 2017

This week has been quite the week! It begins a little like this, I'm tired and ends a little like this I'm tired in the middle goes like this How can we not be tired? 
Few suggestions later lets try that!

Needless to say for some reason Me and Elder Puzey just had a week where it was incredibly hard to wake up! however we did and it was super good! We had a ton of fun this week!

We had some really cool miracles quick story i wpould like to share, once upon a time we set up our investigator for a baptismal interview, and after passing the interview he was filling out a form, and uponing filling the form we found his whole address. Which the District Leader saw and felt oddly familiar about a wuick search of the maps we found that this now completely ready and completed lessons guy doesn't live in our area, there is a little past of a place called 樹林 SHULIN which falls under their wards boundaries, a silly curve of the map but a curve none the less. We felt like idiots but decided the best way to handle is we teaach and just use their members to take care of him, and then now he knows the other Elders he can just do RC lessons luckily their ward is great and took care of aall the other details like the baptismal service and stuff. #i love it

we had some beautiful views here lately cuz we have been running back and forth across the river to and from 樹林SHULIN We have had a crazy week at first we were a little worried about last week, but some how we found a way by the grace of god to fill our days with stuff to do, and we have been seeing so many miracles around us in helping us continue to keepo our area. I have found a big piece of why i am here is to teach me humility in all things. Because i have realized lately that i just need more of that, i pray daily for it, and repent daily of pride. It feels great! 

I'll just so you our week through pics!

there is a member that make high grade fake lightsaber that you can really battle with it is sick!

we also ate a giant thing of shaved ice. grand total of 30$ and filled 8 missionaries stomachs big

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