Monday, July 10, 2017

Miracles Roll

Well in and out, the work is continuing to pickup and build around 土城 it has been a riot this whole week. Running from place to place trying to get everything done! We have some really cool investigators working right now! I would like to tell you specifically about 忠恆(zhong heng) he is a champion! he is a college student, recently crashed his scooter and has been progressing very quickly through the missionaries favorite lesson #4 We sat down to share a little about the most commonly trouble commandment (word of wisdom) cuz EVERYONE drinks tea. But after we taught him he was like.......... "thats gonna be hard"............"i'll do it" #i love that guy!

I will be honest i am typing on a really stupid keyboard and im loosing patience really quickly. So imma be shoprt this week.

We saw a ton of miracles Because Heavenly Father lives, and loves us all, and has been blessing us like crazy lately! And i have been growing much more in knowlkedge of our Savior's power by way of expeirence and repentence. I have been focusing on becoming all that i need to be before i invite my investigators to do things. i have been trying to experience everything they do so that wheni invite they can feel the power of my testimony by way of expeirnce. 

I know God lives, in heaven, and loves us; not only that he has given us all a plan in life to have joy and success, known as gospel. This is able to help all people especially when applied as a family. These things are given to us by his Holy Prophets, and all they say and do in the name of the Lord will or has come true. They all have born powerful testimony of Christ because he literally lived and died for us, and now has resurrected and continues to take our trials and weaknesses from us. He has restored his lost gospel by Joseph Smith, because he knows we need his gospel, and hates darkness and confusion. And now it is in our hands to act and to find out about it through study and prayer. I promise that if you do you will feel a new level of joy and peace come into your life, no matter who or where you are. whether or not you grew up in the church, whether or not you are happy now, it will change everything, and bring you to a new level no matter how many times you hear and do it.

孔長老 love you guys! 加油 kill it.

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