Sunday, July 23, 2017

HOLY COW#baptism

Xholy cow! this has been crazy! this is the last P-day of the transfer! i hope everyone is ready for some change! It is fun to see how fast time goes, and it only ever gets faster! We have had a great adventure lately! tons of miracles because God lives and loves us!

We had zhong heng(忠恆) get baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So this week we are coming off of temple day so that expalins a little of the strange set up of emails! and i only have like 4 days to cover, but i can share this story with you.

There once was a ward, known as TuCheng, they had some really good people, and so one day the missionaries decided "let us feed these people with the true goodness" IE-waffles. So they called the mission president and borrowed a nice waffle maker, they made the preparations for nearly a month, this in joint with a follow up activity right after of course. They invited many people, and the day arrived, yesterday in fact, with church ending at 5pm the activity starting at 6pm and well over 40 hungry people there, the mess began bacon in the pan, pre-cooked pancakes and sausage(they were actually just hot dogs soaked in bacon greese) in the oven, eggs being whipped for scrambling, and the largest of bowls for waffle batter, constantly being added to from a smaller bowl! With the taiwanese at their backs, fruit being washed, the missionaries worked, and within an hour the feast began, everyone attacked the delicious food like wolves on a sheep. The missionaries just kept cooking! after a while the feasting slowed. Then they were gathered to the chapel area for the following activities, with tummies full, and hearts enflamed. The sisters began to help some right testimonies in the Book of Mormon, a volunteer member helped make posters, while the Elders trained on how to do a proper Dan Jones. For on the coming of Friday we shall use all that we prepared! The crowd was crazed, members intranced, and the investigators in love!

And that my friends is the story of why i slept so well last night, it also set quite the fire below our members! They are ready to go and looking forward to this friday night, when THE MEMBERS TAKE ON THE STREET PEOPLE!!!!!!! you can just imagine that in your best fight night voice.

Any way great week! we loved it i want to simply say, Prayer works, because we literally talk with God not just to him, He talks back! He listens and answers. He prepares all that we need. We need only work for it and ask him. He will give all that we need. If you ever feel you are talking to a wall, get out of a routine, try something new, actually think on what you are saying. ponder as you pray give time for him to talk back, and prepare yourself to act and recieve ANY answer.

Love you all

Elder Conover

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome! His enthusiasm and description of the story is perfect. What a wonderful missionary.
