Thursday, August 3, 2017

Old things pass away, All things are made new

IE transfers!!!!!!!! Elder Puzey is outa here! i got a new companion! Elder Fitzpatrick of Sunnyvale, California. A champion i met back in the MTC he is older by 1 transfer. But man he is a great man! We have had a great time!

Step 1- when you recieve a new companion make sure you give hima good tour of the area, and then right before a large typhoon hits bike over into the north side of your zone to give a baptismal interview and make sure he is on a bad exchange bike that skips as he tries to ride up the hills! 

good  Step1: check! 

Step 2- when the typhoon makes it to you, make sure you have to bike across a large bridge near on coming traffic with crazy winds whipping down the river, and ensure you have to bike agaisnt the large part of the typhoon winds after you get off the bridge and can enjoy screaming hymns at the top of your lungs. 

good step2: check!

Then just have fun running around helping people pick up mopeds and clean up fallen bamboo, and then grab a flimsee hand saw and help people clean up the wreckage of their bamboo crushed house, needless to say we had a dope service opportunity while we were riding along the road, found an old grandma with a huge grove about 8ft across and 10Ft thick of bamboo got ripped up in the wind and crushed thier house luckily at that time they had not been injured but the house severely damaged they had 6 people working sincne 7am until about 8pm to clean up and didn't come close to finishing. But we had the chance to jump in shirt and tie and saw up some bamboo, and some crazy drunk guy told us we couldn't leave nd Jesus says we have to saty and do. for the record he had just barely walked over there and he had no intention of helping. He was pretty funny.

I forgot the camera i had some good picks of trees ripped up and my new comp butnext week

love you guys.serve all love god obey:)

Elder Conover

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