Sunday, August 6, 2017

Summer is here

Well we have either had heavy rain or heavy sun for the last week! It has been fun to know that summer is here and is ready to give everyone a big sunny blast to the face every morning! We have had quite the week this week! So to kick it off we decided due to heavy rain to postpone our hike, and we would go up and play ball in the taipei jinhua chapel! It was awesome had a bunch of the old district in xindian over there to say hello! And we played for a good solid couple of hours, and wore our selves out pretty efffectively! haha

But this week we had the opportunity to have a district meeting with our new district and get to know everyone! So it was just so exciting to meet everyone! we have some really good missionaries around here! We are going to explode all over the west taipei!

we also had the chance for a great training from president! It was literally awesome! it lit a fire, we are setting a awesome mission wide goal to get more baptisms! we have some awesome fire and the leaders throughout the mission are setting everyone up! We are getting this place lit up! so the first thing they trained on for this was simply the power of the book of mormon, which is truly powerful! literally i can share several miracles just from the last few days about the book of mormon. But i will simply say if you have any question that your wondering about open the book and read it, you dont necessarily need to find any place to read just open and read from it. You will find answers on every page. It will strengthen you, and support you through everything. And it will lift you beyond your wildest dreams becoming someting so much more.

We also had the chacne for exchanging this week! i got to go with our district leader! Elder Diener man he is a champion! We had the chacne to book it over to shulin to meet up with a member and eat. He has been struggling a little on activty and then he is going to one of the worst places in taiwan to do the mandatory military service, for 3 months. But he is a great man, just a little confused right now about what he needs to be doing. But he is a sincere man! We will continue to work. Then he got sick from eating an unrefrigerated hard boiled egg. So we took care of that the next day. He is a powerful missionary! 

Life is good everyone, be excited to live, be excited to go and do no matter what it is! I read in 3rd nephi yesterday during my language study i was reading in chinese because GREAT practice reading ancient records. But i came into the verse that jesus asks the multitude "which of you taking thought can add a single cubit to his stature" so DONT WORRY ABOUT IT dont complain dont delay go and just do guys! life is good!

Love you! Elder Conover

Scroll letters 

Bamboo blown over from Typoon

Blisters from wet feet working in dress shoes

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