Sunday, August 27, 2017

Patience is great

I will have to be a little bit fast this week because i have some stuff to do, but i will be back in in a bout 30 ish minutes after i get off. But this week has been a ton of fun! So about a week or two ago i told y'all that i got stood up on a ton of lessons well a good part about that is that about 14/16 were at the chapel and we given them 10 minutes and two calls before they are "stood up" just our companionship rule. Well i realized i like to just play around on the piano, and i had my baby teach me some basic playing form on the piano, and whenever we were waiting for a lesson i just sat at the piano, i can now read the notes, and play them. very very very slowly. But hey my top hand "be still my soul" is getting pretty decent!hahaha

this week has been cool, because we have seen a lot of movement that our investigators were lacking, we have met a ton of really cool people this transfer. Right now we are working with a very large investigator pool. But this week we had the cahnce to take 3 of them and either move their date back and reset a more solid one that i think they will hit next month. or re-set a new one! so it was super cool to see some of the commitment happen this week. I have also learned that i often have very high expectations and when not met i become frustrated. But never with anyone else just with my self. So i have been really learning the value of patience, Which is enduring well or as Pres. Utchdorf says "enjoy to the end" because when it doesn't work out just perfect well deal with it, readjust plans and go again.

I had the opportunity to do an exchange this week with a good companionship that is training right now. I went with the trainer, Elder Keleman from provo Utah. He is a great man, and a good missionary. We had a ton of fun together because the first day we taught a couple really fun lessons. And when we went out the second day we went on a bike ride to find a mystery address, to help give a member's friend an address. We ended up biking over into the taoyuan zone, oops, so we biked back figured out the directions and then we biked over to where the sanxia elders live pretty much. So we blessed the cool guy, he was super sick. then biked home and sent him home for his own area.

We also have been helping a few investiagors we have 2 really close to baptism they know all the commandments we are just working on their personal desire to truly endure to the end. But they should be ready for september baptrism! we are hoping with in the next 2 weeks maybe 3 to get them baptized... they are sick!

It has been a good week, i would like to share my testimony of church attendance.

I have come to the realization and revelation that church isn't there to go and listen to a speaker and see if they bring the spirit to your life. Church is about you worshipping the lord, and building a relationship with him. Our church is so special because no matter what is said it is a time for you to bring the spirit into your life, to repent, to change, and to grow closer with the lord. It also strengthens our families and we go together. In the Book of Mormon it says "they did meet together oft to talk of the salvation of their souls" build friendships is good, but the reason you are there is to worship. And is your personal duty not the Bishop's not the speaker or the teacher. You get out what you put in. I love that principle! go there ready to PARTICIPATE in the service! i absolutely love church and love the Lord, it is a great priviledge to worship Him. And i know you can come to feel the same joy as I do through your preparation and participation! 

Elder Conover
life is good

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