Monday, August 14, 2017

Companions in and out

So this has been quite the week! We had the chance to go and do two exchanges this week! so this week i had 3 companions;) haha just kidding but i did have a ton of fun! I am to the point where the vast majority of people i go on exchanges are younger than me, especially right now we have 3 companionships in training right now! so it has been really fun! Because they are all very driven missionaries!

We had the chance to meet some really cool people this week! so we have been meeting with an LA and oart member family, with 2 children unbaptized 18/19 and they are really only LA atleast they say because theu don't know anyone when they moved here years ago! But we have been trying and trying to get them on a baptismal date. We have asked 2 or 3 times! but they keep giving us silly excuses that might seem real to them. But we sat down with them, and at the end of reviewing plan of salvation and gospel of jesus christ we invited, and it came out again. Then My temporary companion was like "it isn't about do you have time in (2months) on that exact day, it is about are you willing to work for it." and they kind of looked down and thought and then agreed to work for it. They still didn't set a date but they said they will work for the baptism. That was a really cool experience.

We also had the cool chance as we were contacting on the way over to an investigators house, we stopped a lady on her moped, and she pulled over and talked with us after the light trned green, and we ended up setting her up for the next day, she couldn't met that day, but set up for sunday. Well she showed up with her two kids!!!!!!!! and had a really good lesson with her! and her kids are super legit thier 5/8 and both have great english! But we have her set up again and hopefully she can bring her husband next time. But they are gonna be an awesome family to start teaching! We have been really blessed in this area to have a couple of families to teach and make the teaching process so much sweeter, they are much harder to find time and help understand the gospel, but they are so worth it!

this week has been great we nearly killed oursleves on a hike from heat last week, hosttest day of the year......

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