Sunday, June 25, 2017

The heritage

just so you all know i have moved into Tu Cheng土城 which just so happens to be my papa's last area. It is like a family inheritance*winky face to Elder Gibson in 中壢* It has been quite the full last couple of days. All topped off with a great new ward!

So lets get started we had the chance in BiTan碧潭 to go and visit the 周 family right before i left the day before actually, and they are still just so amazing a couple of aboriginals in the mountains of 烏來 they are so funny! we had the chance to say good bye, they will be great! Also that same day i would like to share another crazy miracle! this week was full of them.

So the day before meaning tuesday night we had gone knocking in a place we call the pocahantes corner, you know cuz its "just around the river bend" And the first doorbell buzzer thing we rang the guys says i am busy not right now(never heard that one before) so we ask if we can come back the next day(wednesday) and he says 好好好(sure sure sure) and we say 4pm the next day. Well we show up at that time, he actually lets us in!!!! not only that he was such a sick guy! he literally explained that he didn't like his family tradition of buddhism and wanted to start learning christian stuff but never knew how, then we knocked on his door!

Also another miracle that i was only half part of, we set up a member who came from arizona to visit family back here(she is taiwanese) and she said her little bro wanted a BOM and Bible in chinese, we were happy to help, then she asked to come meet him, well the DAY AFTER I LEFT i was on the phone with Elder Lin(林) and he says he was incredible too!!!!!!!!!!!

The miracles are already rolling over here in this area too, we have been putting in some good work and finding some really cool people. We have a dope warad they are all a bunch of love-able people. And they are excited to do work, so i hope we can really blow it up together!

My new companion is a great man by the name of Elder Puzey. He graduated with me, however he goes home in the next two months, he is an idaho boy and is 帥 as you can get! He is a diligenty hard working missionary and he loves the work. So we are gonna have a ton of fun together!

good bye to my last area, also i bought some fake knives they are dope

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