Monday, April 17, 2017

The last second

DMan this week was awesome guys! Me and Elder Gibson have a ton of fun, just so you know! ALSO THE COMING WEEK MY P_DAY WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY, DON'T FREAK OUT. Awesome now that that is handled, back to the fun stuff, So this whole week we didn't have a ton of stuff going on, however i had one of the best exchanges of my mission. Because i went with Elder Cheney. HAHA ie my last companion. Man that was fun! 

So this week we had a sick chance to meet with a man by the name of 應承恩 ying cheng en. Who has been investigating the church for quite a few months now. Long before we came in. But we met with him this week for the first time in a few months. (he works from 9pm until 11am) its hard to get him to meet. But we reviewed the restoration of the gospel  with him, since it had been so long. And when we were sharing the joseph smith experience, he sat there stairing at the table and just wiated for a sec. Then slowly said "that story, when I read it and heard it, thats when i knew" In the 2nd floor of that 7-11 there was more than just a moment filled with the holy ghost testifying to all three of us the truth of this simple message. He is nowing working towards baptism in may.

We had some other really crazy miracles right near the end of the week. The4 middle of our week we didn't have a ton of time for finding in our area. So the weekend didn't have a lot of people set up. And right near sunday night, i was getting a little bit worried that we wouldn't make our trsanfer goal. And by the end of the night we some how managed to get 6 people to set-up with us. And we barely even touched the streets. I know that it was purely Heavenly Father preparing who and what we needed. When you make a goal, and trust that goal to the Lord, and then work with everything you have to achieve it. you can. 

I am eternally grateful for the chance to serve now as a missionary, and will love this chance forever. I took some time to look through the book of Proverbs in the Old Testament. I ran across this verse. Proverbs 18:19 which is along the lines of "a brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city, and their contentions are like the bars of a castle." I firmly believe that no matter who you are, you have no right to put down someone else. And especially when you do, you have now created quite the problem, and it is really hard to take care of. In Hebrews the Apostles remind us to continue you brotherly love. Never doubt the strength of the family. especially your brothers and sisters. And are we not all brothers and sisters? Love all men and women and children. Put no one beneath you. Rather do as the living prophets have directed us. "do you want to be happy? serve. Lift the hands of those that hang down in despair, strengthen the knees of those that struggle under their burdens." Please be happy my friend and family, and follow the Savior, serve all forbid none.

Elder Conover孔長老

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