Sunday, April 9, 2017

Letters and general conference

Man this week was freaking sick!! It freaking helps that Our LIVING PROPHET spoke to us, as well as many of our other leaders. I am grateful for the council that they give us every year. Since Being on the mission i have really grown a love for careful study of all their words, and applying them. It has changed not only my view on general conference but even my view on our church. Since i was little i was taught it was true. I never had a big doubt about it, however i did have to have a confirmation that it was true. And everytime i listen to them speak, i am reminded how true our church is, and that our church really is the only true church. And that no matter what nothing can stop our church from growing and building. I know it is true without a doubt. I have known since i was young. Give your children and your friends and siblings the same gift. 

So i wrote myself a letter in the MTC to my one year mark self. Which was an idea given us by our teacher. You should know i can be pretty inspiring. just kidding hahaha but really it was cool to kinda hear from my self to see my change improvement and also the level of depth change. I did actually read some really cool things, that were good to hear right now, So maybe i will do it again to my self about to go home:) I also read this thing called the riccardi letter. Which is a man writing to a missionary in the MTC about his experience on the mission. specifically with his trainer. Which gives a lot of good advice not only applicable to the mission field. But especially perfect for missionaries. I recommend to each of youy. To go and find your favorite talk this conference, and study it out. and take 3 things you want to change because of it.

General conference is great when you are a missionary, because they tend to focus on things like the Book Of Mormon, Reading, Praying, Conversion, Expeirences, and Basic doctrine expounded to all that hear. So i learned a lot of how to teach, and how to become better. And hopefully our LA's and investigators learned as well!:) 

I would like to share a super awesome miracle of this week. So we were out monday night street contacting people, and we pass this guy, and elder gibson calls, hey lets talk to him, i turn and say ok!:) we talk to this man, a bus driver by profession, and a christian by religion. Very kind. After the contact we do a quick prayer to decide where we want to go, and to be able to meet such a nice man. After the prayer we talk for a minute for direction. Our phone rings, it was the man we had just talked to. He says come to the 7-11 i want to buy you a drink. Show up buys us a drink. says hey come meet my family. *my mind, "oh darn i guess we have to!"*  meet his family about 2 mins away from our home, with 3 kids, and a nice wife, and a super cool younger brother. Hey sorry we have to be getting home in 10 minutes but we share about our church, and why it is different. Can we come back and share with you? "yeah i want that" dope, peace out homies.    yeah that happened. it was dope. I love missionary work. 

Love you guys😘

Elder Conover

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