Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Wow late P – Day

The This week has been insane!!!!!!!!! honestly we did so much stuff, i can't remember most of it, so if this email is short sorry.

first things first, a little while back, i helped the zone leaders teach a new guy the first lesson, and 2 weeks ago i helped do his baptismal interview he got baptized this week!!!!!!! He is a huge goof, and ges along with the elders well, cuz he likes to jok a ton!!

Also i found out this last week that a few friends from a little younger than me will be coming to my mission!!!!! im pumped out of my mind!!!!! So me and elder gibson were out this week, working as you do, ya know sharing about the living church of christ. and then we were like hey what ever happened to the former investigator family we knocked into over a mnth ago. Blow over there (pouring rain so it had some extra fun, actually it was nice this wek it cooled us off) and we set the family up for tomorrow(my time) We are very excited!!!! 

Also this whole week there is millions of fireflys on this really pretty hike by our house. Sadly i cannot get a good picture of them. our members took us there! and we had our cool investigator with us. It was super pretty!!! and we found out after catching a few, that if you touch them, they live until dead alone, because they smell like us now and their mate leaves them forever..... oops we made a few bachelor bugs that night..... sorry bro.

Also a little while we back met this dope Less-Active member. We called this week due to the fact that we have too many lessons and we had him help us do splits!!! so he helped me teach a lesson to a new iinvestigator! he did awesome! he even used an analogy i used while teaching him, and the new guy loved it! i was literally just pumped out of my mind, just in heaven, and after he was just like thanks for teaching me how to share the gospel!! and then he ame to curch! it was awesome!

 thats all i can remember love you guys!

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