Monday, March 27, 2017

The joy of Taiwan!

This week has been pretty dope! it flew by in the middle, but once we hit the weekend we had a bit of a tuough time. out of the 7 new people we had set up to meet with us between friday and saturday we had 0 actually show up... and iy rained again on us... However me and Elder Gibson actually had a ton a fun! We just decided that we would keep a good attitude. We still saw a ton of cool miracles! 

First miracle we were biking along to the chapel, when we passed a guy and after the classic "帥哥!" I felt really strong to turn around and to talk with him. So encouraging at elder gibson to turn around and talk with the guy we started up a conversation. After the contact the man, just kinda sat there ttrying to find a reason to keep talking with us. It was very clear that he did not want to go, however we were rushed on time, so we said good bye and sent him on his way. I can't wait to meet with him. 

Also since my year mark is in 3 days im crazy pumped! we are emialing later today because we went and did a sick p day hike to bgein the day. which lead to us getting lost for a couple hours in the taiwan mountains in the middle of the forest, which was super dope! One of the companionships brought an RC, so in the end i was walking behind him hloding him up from falling down the mountain side and sliding for a long time through vines and mud. FOR THE RECORD i now understand how in the movie tarzan kurjak accidently dies. Sometimes there is a ton of vines and you can slip alot. The best part was coming back down 1 hour ride down the mountains away from 烏來. which also is part of our area. We might go find there one day:)

Also my last companion Elder Cheney is now in our district, and Elder Facer is in the zone. We are gonna do some super cool stuff. I'm currrently pumped out of my mind for this transfer. We are gonna do some really fun stuff to get this place on fire! 

Love you guys 

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