Sunday, March 5, 2017

Back in the swing of things

I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE MMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! This week has been super fun guys!! And it has been full of miracles!!! To start off we are starting to get our area to where it needs to be! We have had a lot of time on the streets and a lot of time to try to build our investigators! But we are starting to get some cool people to teach!

I want to start off by talking about 王國鼎 Wang Guo Ding, he is a sick new investigator we have started teaching this week. He studied A little about our church on line, and thinks we've got some cool things to talk about. However he is a devout christian to his church. But at the age of 27 (more or less) he is so devouted to finding real truth. He told us that he has been praying for an answer but none came. We talked to him about church and reading and said he hasn't done it. So we told him if you are lacking in effort why would god answer you, He responded very powerfully he would start reading. 

We also had the chance to go to a basketball tournament with a ton of elders during p day. Which was super sick! We played for like 3 hours straight and my dad showed up, which was really fun. Totally roasted him;) love you Elder Facer. 

We have done some mini exchnages with the zoneleaders this week for a couple reasons but one of the biggest things is just that they are helping us find more people! And we were out on the streets walking around with a broken bike to fix (mine) when all of the sudden we hear "hi, guys how are you?!" Me and Elder Anderson turn to find a very white man, with a large ginger beard, and longish hair and a baseball cap biking towards us. We had quite the conversation with him, which ended up with him saying "well it would be really cool to find sometime and discuss with you guys, lets trade numbers." Gladly we accepted and later that week about 2 or 3 days, we get a text that says, "hey lets find a time to meet. I want to discuss truth ONLY from the bible though." So he knows a litttle about us.

There is a ton of stuff going on still but i really dont want to write about it, 加油 love you guys

Elder Conover 孔長老

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