Monday, March 13, 2017

I can see clearly now the rain is… Back!

DWell it has been quite the enjoyable time here in taiwan! The past 2 weeks have been straight rain, a day break then it comes back with a vengence😂😂 I didn't make you stop you just ran out of water. why are you getting mad at me?

However this week was sooooo dope! for starters we have met some super cool people! ironically we met 4 people over the weekend which were all super cool, none of which we can teach... so we will be happy to give them to other missionaries. But we have seen cool things in our area as well! first things first, we met with Jeremiah again. The flaming red beard from california, who is probably the most confusing man ever. A jew by birth(secretly) but grew up a catholic. believes the bible to be incorrectly translated so he reads several languages of bible to help him get the "real" meaning. He told us he would read the book of mormon through in 2 days. Ill txt him tonight about that and meeting again. He liked the idea of the bom as long as it doesn't replace the bible. he is pretty fun to talk with.

Also we got the english class started!!! inside of the elementary school! We are now weekly teaching 20 kids around the age of 10 give or take. And the class is an hour and a half. So we are in dear need of ideas all the time because we have to make it fun so when the see us and their with their parents they want to talk to us, but they need to learn so their parents like us. However the bishop and his wife helped us by being there so we could do split group activities i think they really liked how it went, they're really trusting us a lot. as far as we know this is the first time this has happened in taiwan, and there is only a 4 month trial period to see if maybe we will spread it out, or continue it here. There is a lot of pressure from the ward and president to succeed..

We also saw a sick miracle we met a guy on the street and we set him up to come to church and he came! he was super cool, when he first got there he kinda seemed like he didn't expect anything from it, but he was respectful and nice, and when he left, he set up to let us share about the restoration with him! we are excited about that! also in this week we met 3 people above the age of 60 more likely 70 that all agreed to come to church with us. (none came 2 have good reasons) but they were all so funny! And it is so rare to find old people even kind of willing to change like that! Most of them here they choose something and don't even think abouyt thinking about ever changing and they are very clear about it. And usually heavily influence children and family members so it was awesome!

I just want every one to know my simple testimony, i know and love christ. I strive to understand all that he has done. But i do know he died for me and for you, and that he is always extending a hand opf love to us, we just have to turn to him and allow him to help. Heavenly Father knows you, and he loves you, and wants to talk with you, start a conversation ask him if you does know you. He will answer

Elder Conover!  孔長老

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