Monday, January 2, 2017

All grown up

Uhhh so the title is totally just a joke... I haven't really grown up at all. I'd like to go head a give a shout out to my dead companion (HA! YOU DEAD) Anyway so if you haven't guessed a lot of things changed this week for example I got my new companion! he is a 帥哥 from Sandy, Utah. He is a super awesome and hard-working guy! Elder Cheney is actually my first companion to be younger than me. So that is pretty fun, i have about 2 transfers ie about 3 months on him. So he has been out to Taiwan for about 4 months or so. he is super fun! he loves to golf and play basketball! And we have already seen some crazy miracles!

So After i sent Elder Miner home, i stayed with the zone leaders for 2 days, and that was pretty fun! We decided we had to be the trio of scarves for 2 days, I'm not entirely sure why but we wore scarves and short-sleeve shirts for 2 days... whatever we start trends. Also i have learned how to play chinese chess now, which is pretty fun! But then we made it more fun, since there was three of us, 2 played and the 3rd made up rules, so you draw a new rule every turn. Sometimes it is terrible like turning all your pieces into pawns or something. But then we finally got the code for my new companion and then picked him up the very next day! 

We came down to our area, and we got started right away! We have been really focusing on expanding our teaching pool lately while trying our best to advance our current investigators! We have seen a lot of cool things happen on the street, like running into a man, that has always desired to know a little bit more about our church, because he doesn't understand what we are doing, but he has never had the chance to talk to missionaries. Or a guy with one little daughter who believes in God but thinks that you can't let signs and miracles be your foundation you just will have to trust and try to do what God says and then you will know. Or even a family, that thinks every religion should talk about what we do, and should focus more on protecting the family. Which has 3 sub families with-in their family.

For our first P-day together we had a great time, we went and hiked with all the elders in the zone, and an RC. Then we all went and got some ice cream together. There is only one small problem... my bike on Sunday exploded again, twice in the past week my derailer has caught my tire and ripped it off. This last time i still haven't been able to get it fixed, And it totally pulled my wheel out of place, but for some reason both times i did not eat face on the road, so that is kinda of nice! So hopefully this time i can get it permanantly fixed! 

Love you guys! just want you all to know that god gives everyone miracles, not just missinaries. he is alwatys there to hear and answer your prayers, and he cannot wait to give you exaclty what you need!

Elder Conover     孔長老

Elder Miner is outa here! Scarves, and this nice dude that remembered Elder Gwilliam from like a year ago and let us play with his stuff

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