Monday, January 30, 2017

Asian time, big changes

YWell we have seen some super dope miracles lately! And we just had a missionary broadcast, which resulted in some crazy big changes! For starters we have less study time, and more proselyting time, and we don't plan at night, but in the morning. Our P-days are now like 21/2hours longer starting at 8:30 until 6:30! so ya know we party longer and have more time to bike to places:) They also reduced reporting numbers, to be more specified for what matters towards baptism.

Let me begin by saying we saw some super awesome miracles with families this week! So we have about 5 solid family investigators right now. And we have been working super hard latetly to get solid dates. So we made the goal that in every lesson we would invite (sensibly) to baptism, and if they had a date we would talk about their specific date. And we have seen super cool miracles, and some cool changes of heart! 

Our bishop drove us out to the edge of our area one day to meet a man and his family. He had recently been studying the Bible, and was done just "following his parents" so he was turning christian. So we went over and Bishop had asked us to prepare about the Plan of Salvation, We arrived and he had 5 kids there. not all were his some were nephews. But they all gathered around quietly and sat and participated when asked. the oldest was in 7th grade. I was amazed and the man is super prepared. When we came back to their house yesterday, the man had read a good chunk of the BOM and is now preapring to be baptized, and is continuing to read and pray. He also likened oour message of the church to christ's parable of the wheat and tares. So moral is miracle.

We didn't have too long in our area this week since on thursday night we stayed with the Zone Leaders, so that early friday we could get on the train for Taipei so that we could watch the broadcast, we stayed the night again with them, then helped them clean a little bit. Then the 2 member families in our area got together and fed us and the Zone Leaders. and then about 4 or 5 that night we got to our area. And according to the commandment of the Misson President we cleaned. He had issued a spring clean order and so everyone cleaned super hard for a day.

But then for P-day we had our Ward Mission Leader, and still RC drive us down to YuLi 玉里 for a sick hike! we got there and ate a little bit. Then we went on this sick hike in the mountains with huge rope bridges over massive gorges. And a gorgeous view. I felt like i was about to get in a kungfu fight with a leapard bent on destroying peace valley bro.

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