Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Plan B week

So So pretty much this whole week every time we set up a plan it didn't work out all that well... or in other words we were glad to have plan B this whole week cuz we lived off of it. We have been putting in a ton of work lately and have not been seeing the instant results lately. However the changes are coming! We had the chance this week to go on exchanges! Which was crazy fun, I went with good Elder Seamons, a solid guy just came down and is pretty close to done on his mission now. He is a great guy! While with him i had the worst mosquito attack of my life. Between my wrist and just passed the elbow i had over 20 bite. My arm looked demented, and super gross. It got to the point that i wouldn't even need to scratch because there were just so many bites! We also caught 2 of the biggest frogs i have seen ever! they were only about the size of my hand or so, but still dope!

We saw some really cool miracles this week. We have a family freshly moved into the area, about 2 weeks or so, they have already reffered us to a super nice and very cool family! They are now investigating. And they have introduced us to over 7 of their friends they have met so far. We also got to do service for them! We carried massive bamboo about a quarter mile to thier house! I have learned that bamboo is really bendy and super dope looking as well as one of the strangest grasses ever! Back to the miracles though, that family alone has turned that little town into a very productive area. Previously we didn't do much there because it is about 40 mins north. Not only that though we had another member who doesn't live there but her family does, their niece passed away, and some of the member's sibling have a lot of interest in the church now. Because our ward went down and helped. And she bore her testimony about the change in her family's heart! super cool!

Also for our P-day yesterday we decided that we needed to eat a lot of food. So we came up to the chapel and played some ball with 6 Elders and went hard enough to make us really hungry and then we biked over to a 烤肉吃到飽 an all you can eat BBQ however, this place was way better than the last place! And the six of us ate a very large amount of food! Don't worry i am still able to eat a butt load guys:) 2 hours of all you can eat ice cream meat, seafood, cake, fruit, waffles, sauces, drinks, everything, and all of that is self done/cooked. And it translates over to about 15 american dollars. The tummy leaves a little sick, the head kinda fuzzy, the mouth tired, and happy as can be:) I LIKE TAIWAN!

Elder Conover says "flippin love you homies! and i hope you all enjoy everyday!"

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