Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I am going to…

On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 9:51 AM, Jason Ray Conover <jason.conover@myldsmail.net>wrote:
This week was pretty freaking awesome guys! so lets get it started of by stating that i have biked a whole freaking lot this week. We biked from our area to up here in hualian city twice this week. And the length of our area twice. And we just had some very well spread out times throughout the week. It was super fun!

So we have been seeing some cool miracles lately because at the beginning of this(last) week my companion good old Elder Cheney, looks at me and says "Elder Conover I'm going to 傳教(do mission) harder than i ever have before, if I am doing anything not at the best possible rate, or way, or anything you tell me." and I said "Let's do it bro." And the following week was super sick! We made a lot of goals to invite everyone we could to be baptized this week, and followed through pretty dang well! 

We have this family that one of our other investigators introduced us to, and they are really cool, and for the longest time we were teaching the mom and a son, but never at the same time they wold only come out one at a time, or not be there. But the last couple weeks they have been meeting with us togehter. And the husband has joined in. We taught the first lesson and invited to baptism, and they were really hesitant and said, "We've been baptized before, don't worry about it." We tried to help them understand that the restoration means that we all need the same baptism by authroity, but no dice. However we went back this week and taught the plan of salvation and the lesson went super well. They were really liking it, and then we explained the three kingdoms and they were all like, "I have never heard of this before just heaven and hell, whats up with that?" we explained that Christ and his decsiples were rejected and killed and that truths were changed, and when the restoration came about truth was restored. And we invited again to baptism and they were happy and willing to receive it. Just another reminder people change, especially when the spirit touches their heart. 

We seen a lot of cool miracles like that and right now we are working with 4 or 5 families and working on getting an 8 person family all together to listen so the miracles are rolling. But even better is the fact that we biked to get free food because a member wanted to buy for us all, so we had to bike 1 1/2 hours up here get food, bike back down. Then the next day we went bottom to top of our area visiting everyone we could and trying to give everyone a chance to come to a baptism with us, which another companionship was having, and we had some investigators that said they'd go. None came... Then on Monday we came back up and biked to the knife shop, up here about a little over an hour and hen up the canyon. It was dope, they had new stuff. I didn't buy any yet....

I would just like to share about the fact that no matter what happens, no matter what you do, or what you have done you can be happy. I promise you this, if you aren't happy now, or you feel like something just isn't quite right, go and learn and LIVE the gospel. Apply it, try it, test it. I promise that you will be happier, i have never been happier than i am now serving everyone. And there are plenty of reasons to not be happy, plenty of reasons to give up, and plenty of reasons to hate what we do. We give up time, money, effort, love, thought, family, friends, work, school, energy, everything excpet religion. And we come and serve. And it is the best thing of my life. I am still me, but i am for sure completely different. If you want to be happy serve someone. Doesn't matter how small, or when, but serve someone. Look, there will be a chance.

Love you guys! Elder Conover

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