Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Well this week was pretty sick! haha me and Elder Cheney have spent our times in the boonies of Taiwan! I will start off this email by saying the title has very little to do with anything we did this week but yesterday on our pday we found a row boat in the middle of the mountains not very close to any beach or pond bigger than knee deep water. We thought that was pretty funny🙆 

So Pday yesterday we made it to the ocean!!! we bikedfrom 鳳林 (our home) across the mountains straight to the coast!!! We also found there is a very scenic and isolated highway around the edge of taiwan, running through the coastal mountains giving a great view! unfortunately due to a few distractions and lack of before time planning our P-day we didn't have time to get to the beach. But i pretty much looked straight at America, just saying, i probably saw you or something. However in the middle of our bike ride we caught a crab, he was actually decent sized for being so far from the ocean in the mountains. And we also saw a wild 山豬 or boar. It was roughly 3 ft from my companions left side when we were biking on a super isolated mountain path. Luckily instead of being super territorial (as we have been told by the many aboriginals that hunt them) it decided to run very quickly away. We road away a little way got off our bikes then walked back, decided it was really stupid to go and look for a wild boar right now, so we got scared and left. On the way back however we made some good bamboo spears about 8-10ft long and walked around trying to find it again, after hearing a couple really not fun growls we decided it best to not pursue it at that moment and ran back to our bikes like little girls. Probably one of the most memorable Pdays yet!

That night IE last night we went to visit one of our best investigators named 高偉柏 gao wei bo, He was a little drunk which meant he still hasn't been following the word of wisdom, however he told us that he believed everything we said was true and was willing to do what ever to help him and his family an his whole 村(village) meet the gospel, so that was kinda nice to hear from an investigator we will make sure to remind him he said it if he forgets:) He is a super dope guy!

Also we had another day this week where we had to go from north border area near the south border this week. We had a lot of biking we decided that if any boyscout wants their 50 bike ride passed of they can come knock it out in a day or two with us😂 We had the cahnce that day to go help one of our members say goodbye to their niece who passed away because of cancer. She had been fighting it for 6 or 7 years, and was also a member of the church, so our ward went a did part of her funeral. It was really cool to hear, the sister got up and boar her testimony about the effect it had on her and the rest of her 12 brothers and sisters who are not members. She said that because of our ward's support and shares at the funeral atleast one of her siblings has a desrie to learn more about the church.

I would like every single one of you to know that the Plan of Salvation, is true, it changes lives, and it will change your life, if it already hasn't. Study it learn about it, apply it. All to many times we are very faithful to the church and its stories, but sometimes we forget that we have the same potential as every one of those stories. We have the same chance to feel the overwhelming joy of the plan, and of this church if we simply are willing to learn and to change. I have seen people change with in a matter of weeks simply by hearing a single commandment, or even by being taught a sungle principle. let it work in you. 

I love you all Elder Conover孔杰叡長老

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