Tuesday, December 27, 2016

YMerry Christmas and Mery Deathmas

Yeah i skyped, it was dope. my little siblings (male) their voice shave dropped an octive or two. My older bro now has a super 帥 beard, my parents look pretty much the same, and my sisters are crazy bomb. it was such a good time to see them again!!! Christmas was awesome we ended up havng no one at church. but right after, our awesome family showed up hoping to make the last hour their kids had been sick and had to go to the doctor. But then i got to open my christmas present, i got some freaking awesome socks! and gummi worms! 好吃!!! 

I don't really know what happened this week. We went up to taipei, to have the mission christmas party! so all of the missionaries were together! i got to see my old comps, and got to eat delicious food! It was so fun! we were in this crazy nice place called the "American Club" They served us a bunch of mini cheese cakes and crembulett in a cup. buffet style. they had all the american food, mashed potatoes, ribs, chicken, tots, everything!

We also had a great time, Elder Miner was packing up for the week, getting ready to go home! because he is dying!!! He waws even taking the suitcases up for the christmas party! But he did a great job not getting distracted. He went hard all the way to the end. He goes up to taipei in a few hours, and then tomorrow is home. so therefore it is death-mas. It has been such an awesome chance to serve with him, learn from him, and work with him! He is a good man, And has served honorably. He went until the end, never looking back, always focused on improvement. And he is one of the most relaxed and hard working elders i know.

I will be with the zone leaders in a tri-pan, for the next couple days until they send the new guy.

Also we had an awesome chance, our ward came down to our area and helped us carol to LA's and investigators, and some members, just to keeping lifting the spirits! It was so fun to work with the ward a little bit. And we got special permission to stay out a little late with them, and they were super excited about us staying out late just to carol with them. I think it really changed some hearts to see so many people coming down and showing their love for them. I think they will have a little more fire to be active or to join the ward, it really helped build a lot of relations!

Anyway i Love you guys a whole lot, I'm outa here!

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