Monday, December 5, 2016

On the rebound

Well there is a few types of rebounds in life. You have the obvious one basketball, the shooter misses and the others all try to get control of it, you have an object hitting a barrier and rebounding in another direction, you have the "just been dumped" rebound, you've got the "coming out of it" rebound. This week was truly amazing for a few reasons. We have this super cool man named Gao Wei Bo, he is 27, very humble, he has experienced a lot of life already, loves is daughter a whole lot! and is looking for a restart, a clean slate he feels like he has found it. And he has it is called baptism. The gospel allows him peace of mind, sense of belonging, and relief. The problem was for about 3-4 weeks he disappeared of to work, and was hard to get in contact with. when we finally visited him he was busy but he was very sorry about everything and as we left he looks us in the face and says "i promise you i will get baptized." We visited him again recently and had a very powerful lesson with him. He is a truly great man, during that lesson he says something along the lines of "you can't travel the gospel path alone, i will let you guys meet my friends so we can learn together." 

This week also had another rebound we had 2 days where we decided we just wanted to bik like crazy, so we rolled up north abouot 45 minutes biking to 壽豐 where we spent our day trying to visit people and get to know the roads up there. the second time we went back we had an investigator up there, he had met with missionaries before about 6 years ago. Then he stopped meeting with them because he had some problems, none of which involve the doctrine. Then a week or two ago he self-contacted us and came to church. He is now a progressing investigator. He lives out past 壽豐 a little way. in the middle of a field. we were biking along and were looking for his house on a little road that had about 15 houses before the road took a slight left turn and continued through fields for a long while. we got to the end of the houses but we were one number short of his address we were confused until we called him. So we biked out into the fields a little way. 

Then that night we forgot that we had meant to visit our 王 family. which live in the other direction than 壽豐 which is about an hours bike to their house. realizing we would be late if we ate dinner we hauled our booties back down south, until we rolled into 鳳林 our home town and were starving and we also knew that it was fast sunday the next day. so we ran into a bakery and bought the cheapest and most filling bread we could and pounded that. We met with the 王 family and read the Book of Mormon with them. That book changes people, it changes lives. the difference between our progressing and unlearning investigators is if they read. literally. If you aren't reading it now. read it. And if you've never read it all the way through read it.

We also had the cahnce for Pday to come up to 花蓮 and shop a little bit, Elder Miner was getting stuff for his mom, and I've been looking for a cloe place to buy some aboriginal knives. They are ridiculously dope. we ended up not getting the knoves way to expensive in that shop. But if you want some dope knives next week i will have pics and you can ask about them through email. And we got some other aboriginal stuff that is super sick! this lady sold backpacks, shoes, surf boards, painting, sow art, all this dope stuff.

Love you guys!!! 愛你們 孔杰叡長老 is outa here!

The ocean is gorgeous, there is a phoenix for you, and that is a cool totem pole thing,

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