Monday, December 19, 2016

How the mighty fall

we had our cookie! our chistmas dinner with the ward, and we are angels

On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 9:36 AM, Jason Ray Conover <>wrote:
Many of you should know, that my companion will soon die. This week was a lot of preparation for such things. We had to go up to 台北 this week so that he could have his exit interview. Well he failed and will be going home in about one week! HAHA😂😂😂 I spent the day on exchanges with the 木柵 area. We had a tripan for the day. And then we stayed the night with the central zone leaders. We went from 鳳林 to central 台北... there is a big difference there. But in the morning we played frisbee, i ended up seeing Elder Jensen there! super fun! i played frisbee in a sweat suit basically, it was a little gross after we came home. oops.

But aside from that this week was pretty awesome down in our area. We visited some of our investigators that have a lot of potential but are just not progressing, and they have just been hitting the perfect trials i guess. because they have all been having their desire for the gospel grow. And we can just feel the difference as we teach them. 

Me and Elder Miner have been really trying to commit ourselves to improve and to do everything we can to help this area. And i have seen so much change, and improvement not only in myself, but also in our area. investigators seem to just be getting it. And it feels amazing! We still are having troubles getting any of them to church, because they are all crazy poor and have to work or they just don't want to drive 40 minutes and stay for 3 hours and drive another 40 minutes home when they have little kids. However the best and my favorite part of our area is that there are families!!!!! When we first got down here we only had families to teach since then we've grown to potential families and stuff like that, but people have like 3 and 4 and even 6 kids and i love to see families again! a lot of taiwan doesn't like to have a lot of kids. they just think its too expensive. I love playing with kids man! it is literally so fun!

Also we decided that we wanted cookie, but our toaster broke so we made the dough and put it in a rice cooker. guess how steamed cookie turned out.... actually freaking delicious! a little douoghy in some parts but super good!

We had a super bomb ward christmas party! Our ward was making this huge deal about it, and they didn't tell us much about it or anything but when we got there we were blown away, they had a bunch of non-members there for us to meet, and crazy decorations, and they had us do a skit we previously prepared, and then they did a nativity! and that was super impressive!!! literally blew me away!

Love you guys! 保持你的罹癌

Elder Conover is out!

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