Monday, December 12, 2016

Member Madness

I would like to let you all know that this week was very special time in my life. i hit a very big milestone. I ATE MY FIRST BIGMAC! So just so you guys know, i ate it so hard. 

In other news of the week, we went down with the beutlers, to visit our good friend 朝弟兄 and taught him the last temple prep lesson, the only thing left is for him to start being more active. Witch is incredibly far when you literally live on the top of the mountain that he takes people flying off of. (he owns and runs a paragliding business) He is also 60 somethings years old, and his wife has 4 or 5 major body problems, some of which effect her back. But he is awesome! then we had the chance to meet with 林美綺 and she started progressing again!! She is so cool! she bears her testimony everytime we visit her, she knows that reading and praying help and effect her life, and makes a point of telling us about every miracle she sees from it! 

We had a chance this week, as challenged by the mission president, to try on friday to visit 5 members, and talk to them about doing their own work. Well there is a slight problem, Our main and closest active member who lives 20 minutes across the valley area away from everyone else, was not home. So we decided we would start from the bottom of our area, and visit every single person on our list. luckily our house is almost exactly in the middle of our area, so we satrted biking down, and it started out really great the 5th person we visited actually was there, hadn't moved, and still was willing to talk. He has absolute no desire to be active at church though. So we kept biking down and got about 40 minutes from home soouth, before we realize we had set up a member that had just barely moved down to our area in the last few days but they live opposite side. And we had to bike up to the member that does the flying thing. So we head back, 20 minutes back and we were at the foot of the mountain with about another hour and a half before our set-up. We biked the mountain in probably 20 minutes, or less. And luckily the weather had gone from sunny to sprinkling rain for 2 reasons it was cooler, and the member wasn't able to fly so he was home. Then after that we biked down the mountain, raining a little harder now. And set off about another hour up and we arrived at the members house, utterly soaked, even with our raincoats. And the wind was chilly and consistant, but they were cool, and ended up buying us dinner so it was all worth it:) then we biked back vistiing members alon the way, and made it home in about hour and 10 minutes, only one other member was home or hadnn't moved. so not a bad day 4 members!!! and the next morning we got to the 5th one who lives here but works in 台東. so good to meet them, has a chance for 2 melch. priesthood holders there, which would be enough to start our branch. her husband and 20 yr old son aren't members.

Also this week was full of miracles of people starting to progress, and seeing investigators really change, as well as just everyay life miracles. The last thing you need to know is that aboriginals are dope cuz they make sick knives, for our pday we went up a canyon with some members stopped buy a knife shop(obviously i got some) and then had a dope hike!

Love you guys a whole freaking lot, don't let anything stop you from going!

孔長老 out!

Here is a goat at the foot of the mountain and us on the way up.

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