Monday, November 28, 2016

Traveling abroad

We had a crazy week man!!!! for starters there was a huge church held run for anyone who wanted to come, and there was planned to be upwards of 200 people there. it was held in taidong, which is farther south than hualian but in the same stake so we were asked by the stake president to have all of us go down there. We ended up having an awesome member heading down to take pics for it! she offered to drive us down (the excitingpart is she has given us rides before, she is super legit! her husband is a super legit stunt man and a very good rally racer, and she is also very good at the rallies. So she took us and the zoneleaders down to taidong, about a 3hr drive). IT WAS CRAZY FUN!!!! chen yi han just BTW is her name.

When we got down there we stayed, by special request of the zoneleaders, with the zoneleaders of taidong. which just so happens to be elder facer. (my trainer) it was super fun to see him again! and as we were preparing for bed us Hualian missinaries attacked the taidong missionaries. we won. though elder facer did put up a really good fight!😂 Then we went to the activity and did the mission thang, talked to people, saw members, met new people to give to taidong as new investigators.

This week we had the bishop help us teach a lesson to the 王 wang family, they are really close to being ready for baptism, just really hard to get people to church!!! The bishop is a super awesome man!!! We also visited one of our investigators 偉柏 wei bo, he has been gone for the last 3 weeks, and has been answering. we went over and he was there! He explained he had been doing very dangerous work lately, and has been over in gaoxiong. and has been reading and praying to keep peace because he has been doing such dangerous work. super cool!!!

Then for our PDAY! yesterday bishop invited us sunday night to come help him catch a chicken. so we decided why not! we rolled over to his, and help him catch 2 large chickens, one rooster and one chicken. that was super fun!!! then we went back to his house and helped him kill the chicken, we wanted it to drain out well so we cut it and put it in a traffic cone to drain., then we soaked it in hot water and plucked it, and then we help gut and clean it. i found out somethings look super cool! the gizzard actually looks like the arkenstone from the hobbit a little bit. But then we made a delicious soup of it, and all ate it together. super duper fun! i have some pictures im not going to send of it buill send a feww:)

last thing is as i was reading in 2corinthians, chapter 4 verse 13 made me really happy. and explained what it means to believe. We are all suppose to represent christ and our belief, to be examples to the people, and to change the world. Well if you really believe this church, SPEAK. Just as Paul says they believed and spake so he believes and speaks. If we believe we need to speak.

Love you all tons. 

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