Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Reset

This week was crazy with transfers!! some super crazy stuff went down!!!!! prety much our whole zone got reset. we had a companionship mid-training get whitewashed into a starting a new area. An area closed down here, new zoneleader, one of the sisters is training, the other switched. It was insane! Luckily we were untouched in good old 鳳林!! it was super fun to see everyone get changed around we didn't see anyone until sundayof course. 

This week was super fun! because Elder Miner in his near 2 years in taiwan has never been to a 烤肉吃到飽 a all you can eat barbeque(self BBQ'd) which is pretty much unbelievable seeing that it is super delicious so we fixed that problem. For our P-day we came up here to 花蓮 hualian and invited everyone to come. All of the elders in the zone came but none of the sisters; the sisters said "no money, sorry" and the elders said "no money but worth it!" it was crazy fun!! Did i mention i rode a super old bike, with the front tire flat, while i pulled Elder Miner into town on his ripstick... I love this area. After that we went with Elders Clegg and Balemforth(i think thats how you spell it) to the beach, which also had a skate park, we played tag for about 10-15 minutes before we were all tired and winded from sprinting and said alright thats enough running after pounding a few pounds of meet each. 

In terms of missionary stuff I love our bishop!!!!! We had him help us teach a lesson to our best family the wang 王 family. They are progressing well, but not quite ready they are very busy helping their daughter get ready for tests. Anyway he helped us teach the lesson, and brought his whole family, 4 kids and wife, and that helped a lot the kids all played together which allowed both sets of parents to all be there. Almost forgot the bishop and his wife are both RM's and have a great missionary fire. That whole lesson was amazing! It really helped that family.

The next day bishop asked us to come back and keep helping him create his toll shed thing. we have been doing service for him the past couple weeks once a week about 3 hours, we have been digging and evening out an area about 8ftx5ft so he can put down cement there. And then we go down to the river nearby, and jump own and fill buckets with gravel and sand, and throw them up to the other and then we mix the cement and throw on there. we are pretty whipped every time but it feels so good! We are about 3/4 of the way done so exciting!!!! 

Then we decided this week to bike up to the 豐田,壽豐Fengtian, Shoufeng area, about 45 minutes north, and when we got there we ran into a pretty cool guy with 2 kids that are christian he had a lot of questions. we had to get going to go visit an LA in the area but reset with him. The LA ended up being super cool he had actually been baptized while he was in college studying up in 淡水 Danshui, (the north coast right next to my old area) and when he moved back down here he just never had gone to church. When we went back that saturday to meet with the inv. we found ou"t that he was actually the LA's 同學 class mate!!! We asked the LA about it and he said hey i do know him if he goes up to church i'll go and keep him company! we didn't even need to ask him!!!! so cool!! 

I love this gospel, I love the changes it brings in lives, as a missionary its easy to see when people really start to feel the message what it does. Me and Elder Miner were talking about that a little bit, and we came to the problem that a lot of us have if raised in the church. We all learn the dance moves(the church) but not all of us hear the music(feel it) I am glad i was able to hear the music, and glad that i hear it evermore clearly as i continue to learn. But there for sure was a time when i didn't hear the music, and it was pretty good while. I invite you all to just try to hear the music! please give it a sincere effort, i promise even i you can hear it now, you can always hear it clearer. I know many of you won't care or read this part, but i encourage anyone who is willing no matter how good or bad your life is, the Church is able to improve it, and is able to make you happier than you ever thought you could.

Love you all, Elder Conover. feel free to send me personal emails.

Beach zone meeting

Night rides


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