Tuesday, November 15, 2016

So Birthdays and Free Stuff

So this week has been so much fun!!!! to start happy birthday to my dope companion! He is officially old, and close to death. hahaha! so we made cookies to celebrate and also to give our awesome investigators. however taiwan people don't like overly sweet things, so hopefully the "american" sweet wasn't too much, i think they loved them!! We have also expanded our diet a little now we make our selves curry rice too, not just rice with meat floss. we are pretty much five star chefs.

When it came around to birthday day, we rolled up to a place called 西林 xilin, and we met with some  more new investigator families! 2 new families!! and then a member drove down from 花蓮 just to give Elder Miner a gift. He got a dope new tie, and later his mom sent him some of the dopest socks ever, they are pretty legit. 

we also had fun with some fake mustaches she sent us. but this week we have been getting a lot of free stuff. I love this area 鳳林 is literally so fun!! we pull up to little stores to buy food and then they just decide to give us free stuff. it is so fun, our record is in the same store 3 different people qing'd us stuff. qing means to get free stuff pretty much, and a lot of times we visit people they just give us food! HOWEVER the best thing by far this week, we book it home from about 25-30 minutes away from home, and we pull up to our house area and our Bishop and his whole family are waiting there. In their new car, and they pull out a cake box and give it to Elder Miner. They are the best! When we got upstairs and opened it; it was even better it was a dang good looking cake, and even better tasting. Elder Miner and I literally felt super fat after eating it. so good!!

And we have been biking just as much as ever except our last 2 P-days have been to the same place about 45 minutes bike ride down past 光復, where we go up and follow a river up as far as we can, this time we brought the whole zone, including the senior couple, which whipped half of the elders, all the sisters, and our 26 year old member. They are so funny!!! But they all drove we met them down there on bikes, we also had time where i could start teaching Elder Miner how to do some flips, its been a fun time lately!!

We have seen so many miracles, as we continue to pour everything we have into this area the Lord continually blesses us with much success and people to teach, most of whom are families!! if there is one big blessing to us in 鳳林 it is the fact that there are families to teach here!!! I love this area so much!!!!!

I want you all to know how much i have grown to love a few things on my mission, the Book of Mormon is of the best things ever!! it truly does change lives, and matter how much you have studied it i promise you, you will still learn from it. I love Joseph Smith, he is an incredible man, not perfect but he is amazing!! he changed so much of this world, faced so much trials and pain, and yet was probably the most humble man in this generation! I know they are true, and are of God, I know it and will declare it.

love Elder Conover cuz i love you guys!!!

Mini bananas

Making chocolate chip cookies 

One giant cookie

I mustache you a question. 

Puppy love

Giant water balloon


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