Monday, November 7, 2016

Party Down South

This week has been straight riot in 鳳林 we have been doing a lot lately! So this week we just stayed up at the Zone Leader's and emailed on monday like i said, but then we had a dope RC, yangkai, take us up this sweet hike called 水原地 where the water is sooooooo freaking gorgeous literally it is this large river bed covered in rocks and just water that is cleaer than a window after windex. and it was a little cold and we had no clothes to stay over so we stole some B-ball shorts, and went shoeless. it was a little slippery and sometimes had to walk through so shallow water but did some super fun stuff!!!! by the time we were coming home everyone had slipped and fell in some of the water. very refreshing. such a freaking party!! 

Then this week was full of miracles we had zone meeting so we came back up for that! and it was fun ate super delicious caramel covered sweet potato from a vietnamese place. and then headed home and stopped by our Bishop's house to say happy birthday to his son! Gave him some pocky he was happy! After that us and the Bishop discussed how the mission is full of crazy stories and we all told stories we had, He is also an RM, then we went to his neighbor, 林榮庶 and we had a great lesson about prayer!! it was so cool to see him showing his interest. i am impressed by the people of 鳳林, many of them already know how serious prayer is and are actually a little scared to pray. It is amazing to see people when they find the true meaning of things. 

But the dopest miracle of the week, we went up to 西林 and planned to spend the day up there, and we had a pretty good goal for what we wanted, the first person we talk to is a large family, 5 kids, 3 siblings (atleast) and we had a lesson and set-up with them, 2nd person we talk to family, 2 older sons, and a husband, lesson set-up, roll down the street 3rd person we talk to a dope and very humble man. lesson set-up. Elder Miner and i were just loving it up there. I LOVE STARTING鳳林.

Another Miracle, a little while ago we had set-up to visit this super humble guy named 高偉柏, but when we went to his house he wasn't there. We were going around one night in the area, and decided to visit, we had a great lesson on the restoration and he asked us how could restart his life, last night we taught the POS until the the atonement and just hammered the atonement and baptism being ble to give that blessing. We read from 2nephi 9 and alma 7 with him. He is now on date.

Lastly we had pres. interviews this week, so we had the AP's and President down here. That night the Ap's came on exchanges with us. They were like, "we were in the area, but mostly we just want to say we served here before we die." haha it was so fun me and Elder Aiono went around that night and saw many miracles. We set up a family, and a super nice college student. I am so grateful for the chance to be here.

I was reading 2nephi 26:13 and 27:23, and something i really liked is the simplicity is that the belief and faith in God, brings about miracles. For god is a God of miracles, and it doesn't matter how long you've known him or what you have done, he will always show himself unto you through miracles. Believe that you will recieve and it will come. Then just work and watch.

Love you guys! 

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