Monday, October 31, 2016

Nailed it!!!!

Elder Miner and I have spent a good deal in thought this week as to why the heck we are so tired literally everyday. I told a few of you this before i left, but my goal for my mission was to come home every night exhausted, tired, and barely make it through night prayers. i would like to report we do that. In addition to that goal the good Presdient Jergensen challenged me to make sure i was tired for the right reasons, we are doing that. 

We opened this area, and have put a lot of sweat, thought, work, love, and time into improving it. As we have done this we have seen many miracles, and much of the Lord's help in covering our weakneses. Elder Miner and I have a great time, shooting eachother with finger guns, making fun jokes, seeing drunk people in the back of trucks and dancing with them as we bike, seeing taiwanese marachi bands drive down the highway in the back of a truck while playing. Let me just leave it at 鳳林is the best area to ever exist!! SO NAILEDIT!

The next part for the title is what we saw two days ago, as we were down in 光復finding, we were biking down one of the main roads, we see a moped start to drive away, not a very clean take off, and not a very clean drive. One guy driving, and a lady on the back. All of the sudden we see the lady try to step off as it is moving, probably about 8-12 miles per hour... While still holding the back of the moped.... Her head made a nice thump as it hit the asphault. We pulled off to see what the heck, she was straight KO'ed for about a minute. two other ladies came running up, her friend got off the moped walks over and sits her up still KO'ed and starts hitting her back, and was like "你還OK,沒有關係" you are ok, no problem.(translation) Then the cops showed up and the guy obviously drunk walks to the moped and drives away leaving his still KO'ed friend on the ground. After a few minutes she utterly failed the line test, she coouldn,t even stand whithout falling around, partially drunk partially is she smashed her head. #wordofwisdom #Godknowswhatheisdoing Elder Miner and I asked them if it happens often, they said it was he profession...好,隨便你。 ok all you. We developed a new love for WOW.

However this week has been amazing!! 王家庭 is the best!! Thier children are utterly adorable. we were finishing up a visit with them; and their 4 year old daughter walks up and looks at Elder Miner with a very mischievious smile, Elder Miner bends down and asked what, she jumped on him and gave him a hug, as I was saying goodbye to the 5 year old son; she ran up behind me and jump on my back to give me a hug. They are so freaking cute!!!!! Everytime they see us they shout 哥哥來了 (big bro came) and they all run to the door! Their whole fmily makes us so happy!

I would like to talk to everyone right now about friendships, this is something i didn't even know i believed until junior or senior year, but it is something i have a strong testimony of. Friendship. They are a sacred thing, Jesus in Jonh 15:15(約翰) makes this very clear. Your choice in who you spend time with really will change your lives. I have seen it strengthen people, and destroy them, i have seen it build love, or even destroy testimony. I have felt it both hurt and repair. Friends are a sacred thing. This is why my friends are like my family anf family like freinds. I invite you all to look at who you spend time with and really think is it helping you be you.

Love you all!!!! 孔長老 Elder Conover.

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