Monday, October 24, 2016

October 25

The strangest of problems

This has been a super fun week!!! we have ran into problems that i didn't think would ever be a problem, actually i shouldn't even call them problems, they are more of possible delays to our great investigators that we have met down here in feng lin.

The most possible one is the fact that it will be hard to teach our best family, because they are too busy setting up their friends and family to meet us, and to share with them. This family is literally the bomb! they have set up 2 or 3 times this week alone(coming week) for them to take us to friends and family to share this message with them because they love it so much. (they came to church once so far, and have shared POS and Restoration with them. The other super cool thing about them is they said "we have been baptized before, but you're telling us they had no authority so that doesn't count can we be baptized again?" after we invited them that was their reply. they are perfect.

We have had a blast this week for P-day we decided we have no money but we don't know what to do down here lets just bike up to ji an. (1 1/2 hr wind against us) and then we will go on the hike with (turned out to be biking straight up the mountain) and then we can just come home (1 1/2 raining this time) then we can just go out to wan rong tonight for finding (15 minutes out 15 back still raining) we woke up this morning and didn't want to at all:) but we get to email today (tuesday) because our area is awesome and we have to come up 5 hours early to District Meeting cuz its a 40 minute train ride.

The other problem we have ran into is the fact that being at the church takes away a lot of time, we have to take the 8:15 train to get to activities that occur around 1 pm, its awesome! but we get plenty of time to sit! so now we are having to schedule all set-ups on other days. Ironically feng lin is pure perfection wrapped up in joy and long bike rides to anywhere:) we were out last night and decided to re-visit a family we met a week or so back, and got to meet the husband, they are really nice, and i think they can become really good members, i cant wait to get them moving. but them we rann off back into wan rong a little ways, and decided we would knock that night, we turned off to the rigth side after seeing someone outside their house and began a conversation. she has 3 kids and is extremely willing to meet, and showed a lot of interest. and then kept going and went over near a catholic chapel and stopped at the first house, and they have 3 kids, over 18, all have a lot of faith and me and Elder Miner as we sat in their house talking could feel their potential. if we can baptize that family we will have half of the amount of melch. priesthood holders we need to start the branch down here in fenglin. We have a lot of hope for this area the stake wants the branch started by the end of the year. and we have a strong hope a desire to do that.

The Lord does his own work, when he wants it done it happens, i have seen his hand, and felt his power! he truly is preapring our paths, we can't always see the end but he knows where he wants us to go. "I am the gardener here" and sometimes you must be pruned clipped, wind blown, weeded around, pushed, tied, and sometimes broken; but it is all for your benefit.


Beautiful views

Banana s

Lots of bananas

Road cut off by landslide. 

Time with investigators

New ties

Comps that sing together....

Side in the back of a truck from some random guy

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