Monday, October 10, 2016

October 9, 2016 Passed Go Collect...

thanks for joining in the 6 week monopoly game. let me fill you in on what you missed. Elder Conover and Elder Zhuang rolled the dice, and landed on a chance card, Elder Zhuang pulled the card and was told to return to "GO" to recieve a baby, while Elder Conover pulled and was told to advance to the next unowned railroad. He needed to pass "GO" so he was told to collect his luggage, a new phone, and Elder Hamiliton to move on. He arrived that afternoon in the neighboring city and had to pay the Player "Zoneleaders" their due rent of Elder Hamilton and a one night stay. The next day Host arrived to help conduct him to his new railroad, Elder Conover was also allowed to bring a business partner Elder Miner was previously selected. When they arrived in their new railroad, Host(bishop) asked if they were interested in purchasing or just passing through. Elder Conover and Miner purchased the fenglin railroad property, they have already managed build 1 house in the property. what will happen next?!

So this transfer i recieved the message as to where i was going and for those unfamiliar with my strange speach i came down to hualian (east coast) which is about a 2 hour train ride down the coast by fast train. We came and stayed with the zoneleaders for a night as we had no iea how toi get down to fenglin. me and elder miner are actually both from bingham we had the same chinese class. we are now starting this area where missionaries haven't been before as in they haven't ever opened an area here. the only time people have seen missionaries is when they had to go up to taipei or into main city. fenglin township its self is about 3 roads going long ways, and about 5 roads the short way. its about a 5 minute ride from one corner to the other(longest) and is very dope feeling. however our area coversd about 5 or 6 of these little cities. we have a large area going from hualian ji an area down to yuli.... its freaking dope!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have started this area and so far it has rained every single day. we have pure finding everyday all day:) it is probably the best place in the world, i still have a lot of mountains im in a valley again. with good rivers, and the ocean only like a hour and a half straight over the mountain by bike. our chapel is about a 40 minute train ride, and 15 minute walk. i am in love with this place, our first night there we had 4 people give us food:)

we have the best miracle ever, so we stopped off the side of the freeway to talk to this little community a little bit, we get to the back corner and talk to this old lady who makes yuan zhu min(aboriginal) clothes and got to know her, and we then found out she has a son the has no bone of the sides of his head because of a major motorcycle accident and we talked with him and her together, we ended up setting them up for tuesday, and they asked if they can invite all their neighbors to meet with us to! and we simply said "yiding keyi" for sure can, they said they would host it. pretty sure we are just gonna baptize all 20 people in that community. just sayin.... 

i liked this conference a lot (because i just barely watched it due to time difference) i think they gave us a lot of amazing counsel! i hope you can all take the oppurtunity to listen to the PROPHET and APOSTLES seriously that is something i lacked until later in highschool, but i can give you a personal testimony that if you lisen, take notes, and think how you can apply it. you will ALWAYS find good assistance, they're advice though given to everyone applies even to the babe that cant understand. i invite you to just take it seriously and watch again even one of the talks it can be completely random, but honestly watch that one, i can promise you it will help you rright now in life. 

Elder Conover is back to work .... peace!

Here is his new Area Hualien he said it's a large area with very small towns. He is so excited to open this area. They have not had missionaries here before. 

All packed up

On the train with new comp. Elder Miner

Mission pres. Van loaded 

Spending a night en route with zone leaders and opening a coconut with a sword. Seems like a good idea. 😳

New apartment 

No beds yet 

New area

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