Tuesday, October 18, 2016

17 Miracles

October 17
I am excited to begin this week by informing you all of the miraculous journey we had this week!

we began this week in fenglin, probably the dopest place ever. as we began this week on a nice train ride to ji an to spend the day with the zoneleaders and the other elders in our ward. We ended that day with a pretty nasty roller skating crash down a hill, and getting free food. we continued, on into tuesday where we had our first DTM an endeavor not to small for fenglin. which took us much traveling and walking. but after that we visited brother chao in the top of the mountains(he runs a paragliding business) we are preparing him for the temple with his wife. the Beutler's our areas senior couple is in charge but asked us to assist them in this work. which we ended up driving across half the road because the rain had broken the road to the point that driving across it would cause falling. the next morning we arose and biked up the mountain and again as we crested and were returning the road was covered in a landslide. we had to lift the bikes across this area and then continue down. after which we biked about 40 minutes south to guangfu, and spent the day there, we are very poor because starting the area takes a lot of money. so we ate delicious bread with raisins. and picnic'd on the way back to the "village" we call it the village because of the distinctly defining factor that we set them all up together. and went and got to know them a little bit, they are all aboriginals very poor, and extremely humble and kind. after we met them we set them to come back again so we can share restoration with them all. and then specifiaclly met with the host family, who came to church our first week in fenglin(yesterday) they have 3 highenergy kids! and are very devout to christianity but are very willing to here. needless to say this whole week was full of miracles.

we tried to count them and couldnt cuz we kept thinking of more! this area is prepared to hear and accept this gospel,i am priviledged to serve here!!! we had the chance to visit wang family and they took us to a aboriginal game fest like oncwe a year  thing (bought ties there) and then they showed us an ancient secret most people dont know (they took us up near a members home) very pretty place, they proceeded to tell us about their good friend who lives around the area (our member) and said we should meet him. you can imagine how delighted we were to hear this. #miracle the member after knowing about this asked us to invite him whenver wemeet with them. (we dont have many members around to help with lessons #doublemiracle!

In church wang family came, loved it! the ward helpedso much, and the second hour the dad shared his testimony about family... (we just need to fioll the font already) i love this place!

I love you all a whole butt load!!! we might have to switch email day to tuesday... this is the onlyplace to do emails within an hour bike ride.... its really ghetto... and isnt for sure open monday just FYI


(no pictures today) this place is to ghetto

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