Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3, 2016 Kao Rou King @6

So i would like to start this off by saying that i have now been out for over 6 months 1/4 of my mission is gone... mother goose with a pickled leapard that was fast. now this week was a party!!! to start off my companion spent the majority of this week like this "im so poor" "wow you are crazy rich" "i cant do that i just wont eat" and by the end of the week he was like this "im rich" "tell me im rich" "i dont need to care how much money cuz im rich" as well as "call me kao rou king" "you are so weak" kao rou means BBQ just in case for some wierd reason you didnt know.

so me and elder zhuang decided that the very last day of this month (6 month mark) 9/30 we would kao rou chi dao bao "BBQ eat til full" which is probably one of my favorite things about taiwan! but also this month i had to make several major purchases for our apartment as well as a large exercise ball. normally we get a pretty easy month to make it through. i lived this month on about 3000K hahaha thats not alot. but ironically i still ate just fine and in the end it ended up being just slightly over how much i needed this month. i went into the first day with about 40NT left #godfeedsme no problem! hahaha so this week elder zhuang isnt very careful with money so he was scaping because he buys very expensive food! also this is the very last Pday of this transfer i am almost garunteed to leave. large bunch of new missionaries coming in elder zhuang hasnt trained yet, and he is pretty much for sure training! so we played moving madness in DTM everyone guesses who is going where and what they do, and if they are dying how long til married. i have been told 3 times i will go to miao li, because i love mountains, 2 times i go to taoyuan because its the promised land 1 time to zhubei. and as the seasons are running late i should either go to zhubei or taidong for some slight patterns that have occured lately that i am too lazy to explain. but we will see. 

so this week me and elder zhuang had a lot of fun he has been teaching me how to solve a rubics cube, im really close to knowing how! yay my 3rd grade dream is coming true. last pday we got haircuts and played basketball with a whole lot of elders at the BU(mission home chapel) it was super sick! then we spent the week as missionaries do. ya know. preachin, then we were finally at kao rou day and elder zhuang decided that if i didnt eat the last piece of meet that was clearly his piece he would be kao rou king, and since i am obviously more humble;) i consented him to be kao rou king, as he said "why are you so weak? bow down to me and call me kao rou king" i didnt bow down but i do call him kao rou king, but thats ok today we are going again with the zone, and he will be crushed. 

we had exchanges with zhuwei, and we ended up having to do them on sunday which was fun, in which we and danshui investigators all got together ate to end our fast abd went to the big firesidse tpgether. at which i got to see sam again! (he was a shilin baptism, but me and him havebeen really good friends!) as well as jim a danshui inv. that i have a very good friendship with, jim will be baptized soon but he doesnt want to set a date cuz he feels forced if its liek that. but he knows everything is true and wants to be baptized, and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. jim just needs to go he is awesome love that guy. 

also elder zhuang became a man, he shvaed for his first time this week! i taught him how to shave! he thinks he is super manly now! it was literally so funny!
i love you guys to the end. Elder Conover out peace

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