Monday, September 26, 2016

September 26, 2016 "its bigger" -Han Solo

I think we pretty much just made star war seven pokemon version this week. that giant pokeball has been completed! and used. i must tell everyone exercise balls are not for spray paint. i finished that dang thing though it took a long while! and pretty much we did what we did the last few times but this time it was way bigger! im pretty much the pokemoon master! i dont even need a master ball i just make them big enough that they cant get out! i am very proud of it! 

aside from that me and elder zhuang have started district tsunamis, so we pull the district out of their areas and take them to a struggling area because we have a white wash companionship and another area that isn't flying to the skys yet, we decided as soon as everyone has a large pool of solid investigators with dates we will stop because they have been very effective lately!

last week me and elder zhuang jut kinda chilled for P day we watched 17 miracles cleaned because my companion reallllllly likes cleaning. a lot. its huang miu. but it was fun! this week we had a lot of fun! we went on exchanges with elder vandemerwe and smith! i was senior comp again with elder smith it was fun! (thanks elder facer i played the switch roles game) so i was in taiwan 3 weeks and he 3 months it was super fun! i made a lot of people laugh at how bad my chinese was! then we had a tsunami twice this week it was a party me and elder zhuang were running around and we had finiahed talking to a family that had no interest and i looked behind me adn saw this giant crape thing that they put chocolate on and roll it up and it turns into a giant cookie, and i really wanted one but then i was like "nah bruh you aint even hungry" we walked away. and then i had a feeling to buy one anyway, so i bought one, the lady that made it also no interest we had to get going we needed to head back home but we were like crud we cant eat on the MRT(metro) so we stopped on a corner to talk to everyone and then all the sudden this lady walked by with her 2 kids, we started talking to us and she was like thanks but my husband is a christian he has this cute saying that i like, and conintued to tell us our churches quote... we set her up, her husband is an LA, she is gonna get dunk'd its dope. miracle from food or is it just a miraculous food? i believe that latter.

i love you all a whole lot, i was reading to day in John and came across Jonh 1:5 light shineth in the darkness and the darkness understandeth not. this struck me. many people will see your influence and see your light or even just feel it, and never get the chance to talk to you. this is why our actions are so utterly important "be an example of the believers" when we show forth our light it "leaves people with a sense of wonder and amazment" "many are kept from the truth because they know not where to find it" "i was seeking without knowing" this is our role, shine in the darkness bring them out of their pits and their caves, we are to cry to every nation. and this is not the work of full time missionaries alone, there is a reason every call says "you have been recommended as one worthy of FULL TIME misiionary service. we are all suppose to be sharing this gospel. this is impossible to succeed without members! we have the role to find and invite but when they come and accept the members MUST help! they have to talk with them be friend them. i was a terrible member before my mission, aside from the fact that at church i watched to see who would come especially LAs i would talk with them, befriend them. all of you please read PMG chapter 9 it will change your view if you truly read it. 

I LOVE YOU ALL Elder Conover

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