Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 4, 2016 Call from the dead

Pretty much the best thing this week is we went up as a district and zoneleaders to the beach in danshuai, a different one from the epic story of "there and  back again an elder's tale" and we started off trying to bare-hand catch crabs! hahaha super fun! it took some time to get the courage up to actually try to grab them!!!! but it got fun we were touching them a lot but you would be surprised how strong crab's legs are when they are in a whole they dont like to move, and they were only about the size of our hands, i dont want to get one of the giant ones (these were all pretty young) We stepped in the water, splashed a little bit, played some frisbee taught the bendi's (natives)how to throw! it was super frun!!! Elder dong, our bendi zone leader wanted to wrestle me and was asking me to teach him the whole time! hahaha it was so fun! we did a little bit... (i won dont tell him he wont like you;)) he is super funny we are going to go hike today with them!

This week was super fun!!!! we had a lot of time of the streets due to the fact that our 4 best investigators have turned into smoke.... 2 of them (dating) the girlfriend pretty ruined everything and wont let him meet with us... he still really desires baptism but he literally wont tell us he cant meet just the girlfriend will. Tithing caught her... its all good maybe the next missionaries will get them! then one of our other ones september = the busiest month so he lilterally has no time, and cant even come to church which he truly enjoyed. and another one wont answer the phone! we dont know why but he also has some pretty crazy work. so we will stay in touch.

However this week we saw some cool miracles that inspired two things the title, and our project. our cell phone has over 70 former's and our records that still remain(see priar pictures for records that dont) still have a lot! so this week i was reading in PMG and saw the part on formers and felt i should start, i disregarded the feeling and we began the day by the end of that night we saw 3 formers, that i have never seen walking around the streets... and ironically 2 of them are crazy busy and were within minutes of not being outside...(coincidence? I THINK NOT!) so we have began the "calling of the dead" project and we have already seen some success, 2 people of the 5 that have answered have set up! and the rest that have been called so far either didnt answer or phone number isn't around anymore... so im saying pretty good odds so far!

also in better news we opened our emails and my companion was screaming and yelling for like 5 minutes his little bro got a mission call(before he came on a mission his whole family was LA) "We see the effects of one man" (wicked is omitted from this quote of the scriptures) "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass" he says his whole family goes to church and by january will have 2 missionaries!!!!!! taiwan people are literally the bomb.

we have had a lot of fun as companions he really likes to sing, and i enjoy joining in, and we laugh everytime cuz i dont sound good:) our member work has been seeing improvements lately within the week and a half our realtions have gone pretty much tyhrough the rough! hes awesome! more projects in the works(excersise ball sized pokeball, changing how we find, etc...) i cant wait to see what happens!!!!!!!!!


LOVE 孔長老

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