Monday, August 29, 2016

August 28, 2016 The week dad ran away

This week was pretty sweet, a couple of reasons behind that the most important is the fact that my dad ran away (trainer is called dad, second infield comp is breaker,cuz he breaks your training habbits) then i personally call the killing elder a gladiator [too long of a story]) anyway dad ranaway to taidong ie the very farthest part of the mission and we are one area away from being the very furthest north mission. i really couldnt sit still during studies waiting to get a code to see what was gonna happen. then we got it after studies and my breaker is a bendi!!!!!!!!!! (native) he is super shuai!!!! and bomb and he is incredible with members and he is also an amazing teacher. we have had a few lessons together but mostly finding this bendi is so dope he literally never stops i've never been with a missionary like him, and ive been on some good amount of exchanges in my 2 transfers... its been a crazy week i have to be the one to make every decision and i reeally don't like it but it gets done either way. (quick note to elder facer- man i hate knowing the area more;) also you never wrote in my book) anyway so its been a lot of fun over here. and i realize if you have a bendi companion  it is so much easier to remember to always be speaking chinese. next awesome thing about elder zhuang (jew-awng) is that he has incredible drive to improve himself as well whenever possible he uses english to try to get better, it helps me a lot to remember to speak chinese more. 

Everything has been great lately. little stress about new comp is all gone! haha he is awesome! he sings a lot and we party all the time. also we get stopped by members, security guards, investigators, few other people, all telling us about us being on the news. we still use our giant pokeball! the other night we handed out over 300 english calss tracts in like 40 minutes, and the members are liking it more everytime! if you wanna see me speak some chinese for like 3 seconds look up taiwanese news about exchange students and a pokeball, thats really the only problem they said we were foreign exchange students. 

I am currently wearing that dope (Asian shirt) a member made and gave us the old fashion kung fu style one and basketball shorts cuz we are going to the beach and why not. also we now have 6 elders in the district again they are whitewash training in zhuwei and danshui is also training so two people yoounger than me! thats pretty cool this transfer we had 33 new missionaries and next we have another 23 coming in.... our mission has about 100 companionships... so doing the math about 60% of them will be training by next transfer this scares me a little but i think i am ok because I am pretty new still until next transfer anyway and ill probably move before my companion so its even less likely to whitewash train so i think im safe.... i hope.

God watches and he loves us a whole lot. i was reading the parable of the wheat and tares and i noticed when the servants asked to remove the tears the lord said not to because it would also pull up the wheat... as i pondered over this small portion i liked it more and more, the tears not only represent evil people but evil things in general in it ties back to 2nephi 2 verse 11 opposition and trials and evil is given that we can recognize the good and the happy things. i think the question "why does God let bad things happen?" is probably the silliest thing ever, thats why it is only ever asked when you are angry or upset or sad when all thinking is negative and not all that much thought out. "God doeth nothing save for the benefit of the world" "for He so loved the the world" God is working for you consider yourself currently to be a small rundown country home, the Lord to be the brand new owner and he will obviously want to fix you up. at first you can see where he is going even though it hurts you stand it because you see the end goal, tears down walls cuts things, adds new parts, changes the landscape and then you think awesome look how much better i am now, but then you continues on you are confused it should have been done but this hurts more, he puts more stress on you digs about adding boulders or trees, you think you almost cant bear it, and some people dont trust him they dont hold their own and crumble, but those that will trust in god soon realize that "your trials were but a small portion" "and thy reward is great" when you finally open your eyes and stop gritting your teeth you see that he has turned you into a glorious castle fit for your soul a son of god, a prince to this kingdom. God loves us, he loves me and he loves you. sometimes you dont know why and thats because you aren't god. just bear it boldly come unto christ trust him "learn of him" and he will help you bear up your burden,except that you cant know everything. I love you all jia you. keep going if you ever feel down email me i have good words for all of you.


Last supper with Elder Facer

New companion is sleepy from working so hard. 

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