Monday, August 1, 2016

August 1, 2016 Baby Gangster and the crew

whats happenin fam, uh thug lyfe, ya dog this week was real cool, we was all feedin sheep and helpin people, and just chillin dog. ya know. then we just like had some sweet success rollin in lately as we have been working day in day out for new people and for our dates to be movin dog. (Nevermind i cant do that anymore.) Me and elder Facer met a guy this week that said his name was BG (baby gangster) poki (poe-kai) he was telling us how he loved rap music and hip hop, he had pretty good english and he said he learned it by listening to rappers.... HAHAHAHA we decided it would be best to get hip with it and tried matching how he was talking, he thought he just met some more fam haha we discussed rappers with him and after telling him of krispy kreme (if you dont know who that is youtube it) (its worth the time) then we moved to gospel stuff and said a prayer with him, and we said amen he ended the prayer with "ya thug lyfe" and i forgot to mention when we said hello he waved us over and was like yeah west side(west side sign included) and then he was like y'all feedin sheep, thats awesome man, keep findin sheep dog yeah. and he said he was gonna come to english class and drop rhymes with us there. After that we asked what he believed in and he said he was part of Tupac's religion sayin we gotta be careful of illuminati and stuff so that was probably the highlight. 

Any way this week was bomb, we have been pretty good at keeping contact We have had a lot of new investigators lately and we have been setting a lot of baptismal dates. we have obviously met some good people, and lots of fun there! we have been getting into a real rhythm with teaching our lessons have been inproving and i have been more help! I have felt chinese coming along, and then i start to talk to another person and i remember i've only been in taiwan for 2 months and my chinese is very low level. hahaha i love it so much! the best is laughing with people about it! that has been one of my biggest tools is just laughing with people about not being able to understand them! laughter is a strong force friends! always laugh, make others laugh, enjoy what you have and rely on the lord for what you dont have:) 

we have been having a guy come to church lately that has a lot of faith but no time, so its hard to meet with him, but he comes to church and literally just loves it we finally had the firt lesson with him and set a date with him, he is so excited! we have this other lady that after teaching the plan to her asked if we could meet her every week for l unch, and she comes to church brings friends, and brings friends to lessons. she is so cool! this week and last week we had 5 investigators at church which has been an insane blessing! we have made plans to leep that climbing but literally the lord has just been answering prayers all day for us! and he answers yours, everytime just give him time, his time is different than yours. 

last week we went to a giant museum that has a bunch of stuff. I dont know what its called but we called it gu gong which i think is just chinese for meusum idk oh well, it had a bunch of jade and steel from ancient places, unfortunately the cooler big attractions are in taizhong, which is the jade cabbage a very famous amazing thing, which also has a gen conf talk about it so... you know. and then giant painting  scrolls that are like 10 feet long but we still had fun! this week is gonna be a giant bike ride.

spiritual thought 3 nephi 26-33 God loves the earth that we tread down enough to make it glorious and beautiful, how much do you think he loves you, how much do think he does for you, how well do you think he has made you? you are a very precious child unto him, and he will protect and keep you. God works from within, and trust me the world's eyes are worthless dont look upon worldly beauty but upon the godliness of others.

Love you guys, TONS see you next week on "Taiwan by Elder Conover(that new missionary guy)"

BG (baby gangster) 

Yay for Nutella

Typical breakfast...meat stuffed bread

Internet bar

Lunch at KFC the Chizza (chicken with pizza toppings on it)

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