Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July 24, 2016 The week of timeless work

This week was crazy busy, we had the first half full of visits to the bu (boo or mission home) because we werer needed there for stuff, then the weekend at the beginning of the week had 15 set ups... in 3 days including days that we alreaady have stuff set up... hahaha this week was bomb, so to start PDAY was dope we climbed a mountain that overlooked the northern tip of taiwan and then ran down the other side and got on the ferry across the large danshui river! my legs felt it hahah really! but what i wanna tell you is about the bannana spiders, i have no idea if they are deadly but they are big... like the smallest one i have met so far was longer than my pinky actually the smallest spider i have seen is as large as my pinky, but anyway these spiders dont only get long they're legs each is atleast the length of the body, and they dont really have a limit for size i have heard of them as big as your head from some dead missionaries that served in taidong (the southern side) but while we were hiking i saw atleast 50 of these things, and they dont really stay away from the trail either they actually quite enjoy being just above or at head height over the trail.... and the biggest one i saw the body was easily as big as my hand.. hahahah it was dope they are not happy looking but they are dope and big and aren't very aggressive though i did watch it eat many things... including a large caterpillar in a cacoon what a sucker! then we had exchanges the next day so i was in danshui met some dope people. then we had to go to the bu, and switch companions again hte next day and they were gone for a while. BUT we ate at costco! so that was gpood! then we had the follow up meeting for training which was about 7 hours long! but i saw everyone they are doing great! i am so glad that i have my companion the only problem we worry about is who is paying for copies! hahahahaha anyway then the next day interviews with the MP and training with the AP's and some how through out those days we were still getting lessons and finding new people! it was crazy! full of miracles this week! saturday was the biggest miracle i would say jk it is tied with church, but saturday we had 8 set ups between 1-9 pm we ended up getting members able to be at all of those!! and some were pretty big lessons! it was insane usually its hard to get like 3 members a day! like legit god prepared that day so well! not only that we still got new investigators that day! and at the end had to switch comps again so that Elder Facer could do an interview while we kept teaching! crazy!!!! SUNDAY we had committed about 6 people to come to church, the most we have had since i have been here and the most i have seen is 3 or 4 at church at that isnt common, mostly cuz most people walk and a lot of our chapels are on large hills.... and they really just dont come, anyway we had some problems that morning so we got there like 5 minutes before it started and didnt see anyone come, but then we walked up satirs and look inside 4 investigsators are sitting there, and one of them is fairly new, we sat by her and she told us she brought a friend that makes 5 at church! like holy cow!!!!!!!!! and it was a friend!!! like she is loving it!!! then after church we split with some members and we each taught a lesson and set 2 new dates right there. i met with the investigators friend and her, and we set the date right up, he was just so intent on the lesson! it was awesome!

K so we have been meeting with this guy he is way past ready for baptism but he just wont commit, we had a haert to heart with him, and i have gained a pretty good relation with him. and i looked him straight in the face at the end and i was like bruh we both know you can. he agreed to go for the 6th of august and im confident in him, we have his interview set-up! i am so pumped for him! AUGUST has been so setup for us i am so excited! needless to say we have said many grattitude prayers this weekend! I THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL OF THE SUPPORT! i have felt yours prayers! i am here to tell you he answers he has anwsered mine and will yours!!!

spiritual thought- if you have the thought to help someone do it. if you have the impression to say something say it. "by their fruits ye shall know them" "how can ye know the master ye have not served" just trust in it "all good things come of god" if it is good follow it. that is all I love you all I have a deep love for this gospel, this church, and my savior, because he really did suffer for ME and he really will save me every time i ask.

PS if you want a personal email or want to tell me something send me a personal email, id love to hear from you!

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