Thursday, July 14, 2016

July 12,3016 The TYPHOOOON of disappointment

So this week was pretty bomb i have been focusing on using every hour of my time effectively and to use the time to the max, so me and my companion were thinking on an iphone you can look at your usage and see where you have used your time and how long, so we wanted to do the same thing, so we counted all the hours you actually have in one week devoted for missionary work and see how many of those hours you use as a missionary, so out of 168 hours in the week you have 42 devoted to proselyting activities, the max is 8 hours in one day, so thats 25% of all the hours in the week and how much of that tiny portion are we using? thats what we do everyday we write on the board how many of those hours we use to proselyte out of how many given, you'd be surprised at the outcomes sometimes higher or lower try it it doesnt have to be just missionary stuff it helps keep you wanting to do effective things

SO THIS WEEK everyone got us all worked up about a massive typhoon and it was bigger than taiwan its self, it rolled striaght in to us... at least the little tiny south 1/4 of the island, got smashed i was excited i love storms, but all we got was a load of rain, for 4 days striaght smashing us it was fun, wet shoes all day everyday, it was fun! then basically this week we met some dope people! so there is this nigerian man that we have gotten his number three times, and lost it twice, niether were my fault in fact one happened before i was here, but ironically we have always ran into him again in beitou... not exaactly a coincidence beitou has a butt load of people in it, not only that he has a crazy work schedule, and he lived on the edge of our boundaries.... well guess what he quit his job and had time to meet with us, i dont know if we will be the ones that convert him, but the lord wants him to hear this gospel bad enough that he allowed us to "coincidentally" run into to him 3 times! i cant wait to see what happens!!! we had a lady self set up us, so that was awesome she seems super interested! and then we met this lady that has noticed how wierd taiwan christianity is... its really wierd literally no other christians in the world do what they do. (i listened to a guy the other day pray and at the end she shook his hands really fast and his head and just went HJDSKFHBKDGVUIAHNVUIORAHFVPUIORHGIPURAEFJRAEWHFIRENWFGJ) thats just their prayers my friends... you think God's church would change that much just because another country has it... let me tell you it doesnt! ours is pretty much the same but in chinese not english so dope! any way that lady is a christian back round so she knows a little biit and she was asking a bunch of questions and we are so excited to meet her a again!!!!!! the we had this middle school kid ask us to meet with him, and he is so crazy into it he already has a date, and is just super open to learning!!! lastly of the coolest people was stella i stopped her the other day and started talking to her, and she was just like wow! i was hoping you'd talk to me i have seen you guys a bunch but i never wanted to bother you but i always wanted to know like who you are, turns out she is a christian backround too, and she already has a date to be baptized as well! GO TEAM BAPTIZE!!

then through out this week god has smacked me with gift of tongues, so a few weeks ago i made a commitment to not translate in my head, because i dont do it with english i just know the words and what they mean, well its been paying off, i'll get home some nights and realize i just had like 5 converesations in chinese with out missing a single word and just talked with them! i still mess up and dont understand all the time but god has blessed me a lot this week!

Spiritual share today i was reading the story of moroni and zerahemnah opposing generals, its just before title of liberty, anyway so moroni is whipping this guy back and forth with not even 1/2 the number of men he has, and then he stops, bears his testimony offers him to live, re rejects trys again stopped by a soldier and the soldier bears his testimony and then they reject and go again, moroni is annoyed because of the great slaughter on both sides, and becomes angry so he just says to finish them because thats what he promised if they wouldnt surrender but the moment they ask to stop and to surrender moroni istantly stops and forgives them, what i noticed is bear testimony in all times, places, things, it doesnt have to be words, but let men see your good works and know you are of god, dont hide the candel under a bushel, let everyone one know who you are god blesses the loyal!

I LOVE YOU ALL if i can ever do anything let me know and if you want a personal email from me email me first!


fourth of july massive fried beef cuz bbq is too hard here

Rice field 

Random Ferari not uncommon

Super watermelon

Wishbone bridge

Dragon fruit


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