Tuesday, July 5, 2016

One month in

On Jul 3, 2016, at 10:03 PM

aight i have been here a month, my chinese is still, bad its still hotter than a black pillowcase top side in the sun, and is the most fun thing ever, its rains all the time, or it burns all the time, and apperantly gets colder than a popsicle in antartican freezer on hoth, i love everything here, there is so much happening! the members are bomb, elders and sisters are dope, i see so much wierd stuff, i have never been more confused about chinese than i was last night at a fireside, i love this.

Also what i have learned is the power of prayer and fasting, legit my prayers are so sincere, and usually its just say thanks and to help my investigators, if there is one thing i can urge you to do from here, right now every morning and every night KNEEL DOWN and pray, just pray, and then once a day sometime during the day find your family pull them together for 5 minutes and PRAY TOGETHER pray always!!!!!

so this week i had a butt load of fun! we didn't  even do anything special though a crazy chinese man, he made sure we knew chinese not taiwanese, was yelling at us on the train and my district says he was yelling about how he had been a catholic for like 50 years and how us other Christians ruin everything and disturb the peace, (please go learn about catholic history) and everyone on the train was looking at him and just laughing about how crazy he was, and then every once in a while he would just calm down yell an English  swear word and then keep going.

we had a huge amount of fangs (fawngs) cancels, because people just didnt show up, so a lot of unplanned finding time, we ended up with a lot of new investigators, but we also had a lot of super good lessons! people were just so good this week! we also went on exchanges with zone leaders again that was so fun! we just killed it lesson after lesson, though we didnt do finding i was a little bummed about that! english class was a lot of fun we played headbands with them! hahahaha they couldnt use chinese it was so funny! we had some awesome qings (food lesson) that was delicious! also we had one of our awesome investigators named joyce get baptized! and an investigator that we gave to the sisters got baptized as well, so he was techniquelly ours and the only reason i say that is because i got to baptize him! and people say it went super smooth and that the prayer was flawless so wooooo!!!!!! then we had a new member fireside and ate cookies and that was super fun seeing my district members!

spiritual thought, take some time this week and read alma 26 but specifically i wanna talk about verse 31, now times in your life you will look back and see your fruits and they wont be few, what kind of fruit do you want? especially when talking to god, when you look back together do you want to look back and say my fruits are many and my works are good, or are you gonna look back on rotten and broken fruit, everyone has the same potetnial and no matter how many times we mess up, if we truly want to change the atonemnet makes our fruit good. never forget that!

> Kong Jie Long Zhang Lao

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