Monday, June 27, 2016

french people... i guess June 26, 2016

so this was a good week! i have started to just focus in, I am adjusting and am getting more comfortable talking to every man beast and child i see, i have learned that usually when we dont talk to people its not because we think they dont need our message or something like that (ie everyone needs it) but its because we fear the judgements of man more than the judgements of god; and that is something you would do well to not do... for example look through entire book of mormon. this week something i am working on improving is my enthusiasm because i am happy, but lets be honest everyone that knows me when i am actually just in that good mood and nothing phases me, and i can just do whatever for as long as i want, and im singing dancing and just well just being dumb thats what i am learning to have always and i found the easiest way to do that is to do a little excited scream as we are riding bikes then start singing hymns and just enjoy the bike ride.

btw sorry i missed it but happy fathers day! everyone make sure your dad knows what they have done for you and how much you love them, and how much they mean to you! My dad is the bomb! he has talk me so much as i have grown up with him! he has taught me the value of work, and of strength in service, he has taught me to be independent but also to know how to accept help, he has taught me humility and love, he has taught me more lessons then i could ever list he has molded a big part of my life, and is a big reason that since i was 5 years old i have wanted to go on a mission, he has told me stories of the land down under, and also the mystical place he used to live called idaho, and the stories of his family, he has counselded me, and has prepared me, has given advice, and has allowed me to learn, has allowed me to make mistakes, and has allowed me to become who i am. I am eternally grateful for you, and love you beyond words dad, and i am so lucky that i will see you for eternity. and that is why i am here. to help others ave the same hope and joy i have, to be with family for eternity, and to not only grow old together but to forever love each other and continue to imrpove and learn. Fathers are like basically the bomb, so maybe we should just like love em and stuff:) I love you papa bear.

Now to start the events of the week, we have hit the whole liquid death stage, its like liquid nitrogen but opposite, so instead of it instantly freezing stuff its melts the skin off. i have found the best way to describe this heat

is to say this, its hotter then a juvenile pegasus flying through the left side of the sun with a gimp wing doing barrels rolls, while preforming in a trapese circus, with a open and runing microwave oven, while firmly hold scalding hot coco in your hand. But i love it so much! hahaha so this week is pretty bomb we have Joyce getting baptized on saturday that will be my first and she has been investigating a long time, so this is super exciting! she is so awesome! so that sets a nice tone for everything this week. me and Elder Facer have started working better together we have been finding 7-8 new investigators weekly! which is pretty good:) Let me tell you we literally see miracles daily in taiwan. and i garuntee many people will tell you its luck or what a coincidence, or maybe they just say you are trying to make yourself feel good, well let me tell you a story of a time god fulfilled his promise (whatsoever you ask if it be in faith will be given you) well me and elder facer were on the far side of our area, we were just trying to grab a quick lesson with someone before we left, but we weren't having any luck, i stopped in my tracks and realized how long it had been since we prayed, so we prayed, i said it, and i asked god to help us find 2 new investigators, by placing prepared people in our path and help us know where and who they are. well we started going we turned the corner, and i started talking to a dad, who quickly turned me away, i turn around and my companion is alking to a 16 year old and 11 year older sister and brother, they were about to walk away and i walked over and together we kept their attentiopn as we began to share a short lesson with them, they committed to meet with us again, and we prayed with them and taught them how and had them pray, ironically ZACHARY WINKEL listen to this the sister in august is going to sau palo, for excahnge student, im hoping we can baptize her before that but if not, i know she might not go to your mission but i am sending you a pregame refferral. so we had 2 new investigators not even 5 minutes after we closed our prayer we were talking with them. awesome. GO GOD he answeers prayers its amazing, so for P day we went to taipei 101 and walked around of course we left on sunny death arrived in torrential rain so we didnt go to the top, but it was still fun, this week we are going to some sort of exhibit with our district. but the title this week is because we set up with 2 french people that dont speak any chinese but both have decent english, they are both here for studies, and one of them is 23 and already has a masters degree and is going for another here as well as a phd, hes crazy smart! but yeah we set up to teach them a little bit and hopefully good stuff happens from that! thats all the title is:) i gave myself a haircut this week what does everyone think!? and we had more cue bing (tswa bing) which is select 4 things of fruit or jello stuff or flavor and they put it in our on a giant thing of finely shaved ice and pore brown sugar flavor all over it! so good!!!!!!! btw how do you know taipei 101 is tall, you legit have to bend down under 15 foot covered raised walk ways to see the top.... dope! and it reminds me of avatar last airbender earth kingdom buildings. we went on exchanges this week with elder francis and colletti colletti i graduated with good to see him but i was with elder francis, he dies in 2 weeks, but we learned a lot together and that was a lot of fun thats about it for this week! love you all

spiritual thought, pray always, read always, and do the little things it makes a big difference read the first like 10 chapters in Alma if you want proof of what happens when you stop the little things how fast the devil can work especially the first chapter!

i love you all jaiyou

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